Saturday, 16 December 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Firm that investigated Ghomeshi claims now probing allegations of inappropriate behaviour in PMO

Black Liberal MP speaks out against �draining� discriminatory acts on Parliament Hill
        Provinces have until the end of 2018 to submit carbon price plans: McKenna
United Conservative leader�s byelection win sets showdown with Alberta premier
        Trudeau talks Trump in exclusive interview with CTV News: �He�s a deal-maker�

Deaths of Apotex chairman Barry Sherman and wife Honey �appear suspicious�: Toronto police
        Trudeau gov�t in legislative �doldrums�: critics
Phoenix backlog up by 70,000 cases, but 54,000 collective agreement cases are priority
        Looking back provides clues to where Canada is headed
If Google searches were votes, would Andrew Scheer become PM?
        There still aren�t enough female voices in parliaments around the world
Kent Hehr has committed the ultimate sin for a Trudeau minister � being mean
        Humiliation in Calgary-Lougheed shows NDP needs drastic changes

The growing diversity within federal ridings
        Fighter jet mess reeks of politics, deceit and cowboy economics

McLachlin defends judiciary in sexual assault cases as she retires as chief justice
        Justin Trudeau Ranked #2 Most Influential Person In The World
PM on the naughty list? Trudeau approval drops below 50 per cent for first time since election
        Bombardier, Boeing prepare to make final arguments in bitter trade dispute
Canadian exporters feel pessimistic on NAFTA uncertainty, seeking new solutions
        NAFTA negotiators part for holidays; prepare for pressure-laden talks in 2018
How to stop the drum beats on the Korean Peninsula
        Liberals survive Category 5 storm over small business tax, Morneau but emerge diminished
High-profile Liberal donor found to have swindled millions in immigration scheme
        Two Conservative senators� business venture linked to China

New Brunswick defends climate change plan while McKenna raises concerns
        Liberals end parliament sitting just where they started it, with a lead in the polls
CRA squeezes voluntary disclosures amid tax-evasion crackdown
        CRA service issues are systemic, says taxpayers� ombudsman
Legislation on firearms, disabilities expected after winter break for Parliament
        Canada Summer Jobs program will no longer fund anti-abortion, anti-gay groups
�A clear message� UCP Leader Jason Kenney wins Calgary Lougheed byelection
        Tory Senator Mocks Trudeau With Box Of Tissues Christmas Gift

Cancel federal shipbuilding program, launch fixed-cost competitions to save money and get ships quickly: report
        CSIS settles multimillion-dollar lawsuit with employees who claimed workplace Islamophobia, racism and homophobia
Liberals to unveil lifetime pensions next week, but veterans say amounts too low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jagmeet Singh�s decision to skip a seat in Parliament could pay off - Catherine McIntyre, Macleans
        U.S. secretary of state to meet with Canada�s cabinet, talk Korea crisis - The Canadian Press, CTV News
More to be done to ensure timely justice, retiring Beverley McLachlin says - The Canadian Press, CTVNews
        Humiliating loss in Calgary byelection is only more bad news for Alberta NDP - Don Braid - Calgary Herald, National Post
A Conservative MP is trying to close Canada�s bestiality �loophole.� What is it? - Tristin Hopper, National Post
        Morneau chokes �income sprinkling� with more red tape - Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun
Trudeau wants to spread G7 benefits across Canada through minister meetings - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Ottawa�s pot penthouse in the sky - Meagan Campbell, Macleans
Ontario government introduces new bill to prevent serious head injuries in young athletes- Kristin Rushowy, Toronto Star
        Trudeau breaks his promise on carbon pricing- Lorrie Goldstein, Calgary Sun

Veterans brace for battle and disappointment as pension decision looms - Murray Brewster, CBC News
        Bombardier on track to deliver on turnaround goals, CEO says- The Canadian Press, CBC News
Canada�s debt-to-household-income ratio rises to 171 per cent, StatCan says- Craig Wong - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Ontario offers electric vehicle rebates of up to $75,000 for businesses- CTV News
Disney�s empire and what Fox brings- The Globe and Mail


Une juge am�ricaine bloque une mesure anti-contraception de TrumpPlus
        Agressions sexuelles: pr�s de 25 000 cas seront r�examin�s par la GRCPlus
Autriche : la droite et extr�me droite scellent leur accord de gouvernementPlus
        La Maison Blanche veut relancer le processus de paix isra�lo-palestinienPlus
Le secr�taire d'�tat am�ricain en visite � Ottawa mardiPlus
        Mexique: l'arm�e continuera de lutter contre le crime organis�Plus
Plus de la moiti� du d�neigement compl�t� � Montr�alPlus
        Ce que le jury ignorePlus
Pays-Bas: la police militaire tire sur un homme arm� d'un couteau � l'a�roport d'Amsterdam-SchipholPlus
        Lancement de la capsule Dragon de SpaceX pour une nouvelle mission d'approvisionnement de l'ISSPlus

La Russie n'est pas coop�rative sur la Cor�e du Nord, d�plore TrumpPlus
        Ultimes n�gociations au Congr�s am�ricain sur la r�forme fiscalePlus
Racisme et situation colonialePlus
        Courant coup� en plein froid glacial: Hydro s'expliquePlus
Un colis suspect rep�r� sur la rue PeelPlus
        Collision dans le sud de la France: bilan revu � la baisse � 4 morts Plus
Catalogne: les sondages pr�disent une majorit� fragile aux s�paratistesPlus
        Les Palestiniens manifestent � nouveau pour J�rusalemPlus
L'ex-ministre russe de l'�conomie condamn� � 8 ans de camp pour corruptionPlus
        Derni�re journ�e pour changer ses pneus et �viter de rouler dans l'ill�galit�Plus
Washington pr�sente des preuves �irr�futables� de ventes d'armes iraniennes


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Moore�s Law: Kooky Candidates Lose - Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
        Trump pledges to cut regulations down to 1960 levels � but that may be impossible - Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post
Paul Ryan Sees Wild Washington Journey Coming to an End - Alberta & Bade, Politico
        Alabama�s Women Wrote the Verdict on Roy Moore - Jonathan Allen, NBC News
House Democrat in Trump district endorses impeachment - Cristina Marcos, The Hill
        A Tale of DOJ Corruption - Adriana Cohen, Boston Herald
Odebrecht scandal: Peru president Kuczynski under pressure to quit- BBC News
        Iraq hangs 38 members of Islamic State, Qaida for �terrorism�- AFP, The Times Of India
US presents �proof� missile fired at Saudi Arabia was �made in Iran�- France 24
        North Korea vows retaliation over US sea blockade- Al Jazeera
�Golden opportunity� lost as Syrian peace talks collapse- Patrick Wintour, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

White House signals Western Wall has to be part of Israel
        In Syria, Russia securing position as Assad presses war
Mexico Congress approves law enshrining use of army in drug war
        France cautious over US 'evidence' on Iran weaponry in Yemen
Trump says US wants Russia's help on North Korea
        Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to marry on May 19
Cannabis ingredient holds promise as antipsychotic medicine
        'Science' led to pesticide ban removal: Zeaiter
Iran accuses US of trying to hide own role in Yemen war
        'Congratulations PM May': EU backs new phase in Brexit talks

Russia open to working with US to resolve Libya crisis
        Australian probe into child abuse attacks Catholic celibacy
A truly global response to climate change
        Electric cars: Deficiencies they never mention
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This Is Where Canada's Unfilled Jobs Are Located

Why Your Intuition May Be the Highest Form of Intelligence


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