>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Liberals want to limit prosecutions of people who don�t reveal HIV status to sex partners
Jared Kushner Next To Fall: Ivanka Trump Begged Her Dad To Stop Investigations Closing In On Her Husband
Judge grants stay of part of Quebec�s controversial religious neutrality law
Canada weighing China trade challenges as Trudeau heads to Beijing: official
�Unstoppable� labour market adds jobs for 12th month, drops jobless rate to 5.9%
French-Italian consortium offers Canada a deal on a new fleet of frigates that could save $32 billion
Canada proposes �groundbreaking� NAFTA chapter on Indigenous rights
Trudeau government sets new record for vacant appointments
Tories can stop blowing smoke because there�s nothing suspicious about Morneau share selloff
Understanding Justin Trudeau�s unapologetic apologies
Gig Economy Demands Social Policy Re-think
The Tories show they can act more unethically than Bill Morneau
There�s zero proof of Morneau�s nefariousness. If only the minister still had his credibility
Why Canada must pursue a trade relationship with China
A ray of hope on World AIDS Day for Canadian immigrants
Sask. Party leadership hopeful Rob Clarke proposes hiking PST to 7%
Rachel Notley makes the Great Canadian Pro-Pipeline Road Trip
Loonie soars after strong job growth; Stocks in Toronto trade higher
�Historic agreement:� Canada signs High Arctic commercial fishing ban
Trudeau can always play Trump card on visit to China
Supreme Court overturns ruling on Yukon land plan
When planes become cattle cars we�re trapped on for six hours, we need a passenger bill of rights
Is there a path to redemption for any of the high-profile men accused of sexual misconduct?
When the freedom to express becomes the freedom to oppress
Feds roll out new mandatory Phoenix training
Defence chief says military not talking to U.S. about joining missile defence
Mulcair off to Asia on committee trip
NEB accused of tossing �softballs� at Kinder Morgan to bypass Burnaby
Liberal government withdraws judicial review on First Nations health care
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< than 100 mayors oppose nuclear waste storage plan - The Associated Press, CTV News
Beijing foots bill for visits to China by Canadian senators, MPs - Robert Fife, Steven Chase and Xiao Xu, The Globe and Mail
New Hydro One bills give Liberals unfair advantage: opposition parties - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
Senate starts debating cannabis bill, but no guarantee it will meet Canada Day deadline - Daniel Leblanc, The Globe and Mail
Canadian Heritage would like to clarify some things about the Parliament Hill rink - Murad Hemmadi, Macleans
Canada won�t rush into free-trade deal with China, minister says - Robert Fife and Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail
AB NDP walking a political tightrope while being attacked from all sides - Graham Thomson, Calgary Herald
GM targets 2019 for U.S. launch of self-driving vehicles- Alicja Siekierska, Financial Post
Bank of Canada releases white paper on merits of creating digital currency- CTV News
Trump d�ment que son chef de la diplomatie soit sur le d�partPlus
Oc�an Arctique: moratoire sur la p�che commerciale avant m�me sa possibilit�Plus
La police de Montr�al recherche des suspects relativement � quatre vols d'oeuvres d'artPlus
Une �fausse victime� des attentats de Paris condamn�e � six mois de prisonPlus
Un Britannique condamn� 49 ans plus tard pour le meurtre d'un petit gar�onPlus
Consternation apr�s l'arr�t des recherchesPlus
Allemagne: les sociaux-d�mocrate pr�ts � aider Merkel, sous conditionPlus
Reprenez le leadership, M. Lis�e!Plus
Un ex-conseiller de Trump inculp� dans l'affaire russe Plus
�gypte: foule de fid�les dans une mosqu�e une semaine apr�s un massacrePlus
Le pape prononce le mot �Rohingya� apr�s une rencontre avec des r�fugi�s � DaccaPlus
Des s�paratistes catalans devant la justice, esp�rant sortir de prisonPlus
Premi�re sortie officielle du prince Harry et de sa fianc�e MeghanPlus
Des sections de l'autoroute 15 et 20 compl�tement ferm�es ce week-endPlus
Au moins 9 morts dans l'attaque d'une �cole � PeshawarPlus
Victime d'une entr�e par effraction, arr�t�e pour production de cannabisPlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If We Love Democracy, Why Does �Populism� Get a Bad Rap? - Roger Kimball, Wall Street Journal
Nancy Pelosi � Roy Moore�s Accidental Wingman - Charles Lipson, Real Clear Politics
GOP to reduce tax relief by $350B to win over deficit hawks - Alexander Bolton and Naomi Jagoda, The Hill
Democrats must decide if taking back Congress is worth tearing U.S. apart - Jason Altmire, NBC News
Argentina ends missing sub rescue mission- BBC News
Theresa May carefully rebukes Donald Trump over far-right Twitter videos- Peter Walker, Heather Stewart and Patrick Winter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Yemen missile fired at Saudi Arabia may be Iran-made: UN experts
Saudi Foreign Minister says Lebanon will only survive or prosper if Hezbollah disarms
EU's Tusk says key to UK's Brexit future lies in Dublin
After quitting talks, Syrian government envoy blames Saudis
US shale eases into detente with OPEC as supply cut extended
Trump likely to declare Jerusalem the Israeli capital: Officials
Putin opens 2018 World Cup draw ceremony in Moscow
Russia calls US threat against N.Korea a 'bloodthirsty tirade': TASS
Flynn pleads guilty on Russia, reportedly ready to testify against Trump
Syrian Kurds hold local elections, press on with autonomy plans
Fate of jailed Catalan leaders to be decided Monday
Palestinians gives warning ahead of Trump Jerusalem decision
Ukraine plans NATO, EU referendums in 'near future'
German conservatives willing to enter coalition talks with SPD
Russian parliament to bar all US media from accessing it
Japan emperor to abdicate in April 2019
Turkish gold trader implicates Erdogan in Iran money laundering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: While we are making apologies, and paying compensation . . . . . .
let�s not forget the women our governments and the private sector have abused and mistreated since Confederation. From 1867 until 1929 women were not considered �persons� under the British North America Act. It seems incredible that women were not allowed to vote or hold public office for 60 years. We would have perished as a nation without them.
For decades following that women were not allowed to work if they were married and had to quit their jobs if they became pregnant. They had to fight to be allowed to open a bank account even if many were far better at handling the family finances than their spouses.
Women were largely confined to occupations that �they were suited to� and were paid less than a man doing the same work. The concept that women were dependent on men has taken too long to die. Following WW-II, women whose husbands were killed while serving were granted a �widow�s pension� as compensation � but, the pension ended if the widow remarried. Paternalism was hard to erase.
That is particularly troubling as during the war years 1939 � 45, millions of women filled occupations they had never been allowed to try prior to the war. They replaced men who were overseas in a wide variety of occupation and kept the economy running and our war effort robust. However, after the war, we tried to return to the norms of earlier years.
The list of discriminatory practices and unfair treatment is too long to list fully. We need to deal with it while we still have many alive who suffered the injustices.
Men and women remain quite different in a variety of ways that cannot be legislated away. Each gender has within it a wide variety of differences. That is what makes our lives go �round and ultimately adds zest to our personal relationships.
Equality before and under the law, equality of opportunity and equality of rights and responsibilities are a different matter that we still struggle to accept without gender bias. Misunderstood equality has damaged our interpersonal relationships and our society.
We have inadvertently allowed ourselves to become less polite and respectful of one another. The struggle to accept equality must not override social decorum, decency, diplomacy, ethics, regard and respect. We are in a struggle to improve as a society, not engaging in a barroom brawl.
The current spate of accusations of sexual assaults, bullying, harassment, and rape that have been going on for more than a century is a pointed reminder of how far we still must go to achieve the equality of persons we declared almost 90 years ago. Progress has been disgustingly slow.
That is why we need to apologize to Canadian women we have demeaned, discriminated against and abused over the past century and a half. Discrimination has not ended. We have reconciliation and healing ahead of us. That requires us to openly admit past discrimination and injustices and make an honest commitment to do better.
While no amount of compensation can be adequate, some compensation is evidence of the sincerity of our apology. We need to stop harassment, particularly sexual harassment, and move on to respectful reconciliation. We know what we need to do; we must summon the will to do it.
Reconciliation: the restoration of friendly relations
John Feldsted
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