>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Canada conspicuously careful in responding to Trump�s Jerusalem announcement
Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc to begin treatment for leukemia
On Trudeau�s rocky China trip, Communist newspaper lashes out at Canadian media
Feds planning to push back delivery date for new fighter jets: sources
Alberta threatens lawsuit after Sask bans Alberta licence plates on job sites
Asked what country he most admires, Trudeau�s answer is no longer China
Montreal police chief suspended and replaced by head of provincial force
Liberal MP Romanado speaks out, disputes Tory MP Bezan�s telling of events
PM�s pick for top court a bitter disappointment for those seeking Indigenous judge
Trudeau�s China setback was a self-inflicted wound
China�s Communists can tolerate any level of scrutiny � as long as it�s fawning
Ladies, pick your battles
Tearful Liberal MP should accept James Bezan�s fifth apology and move on
For God�s sake, stop using sexual harassment as a political weapon
An inappropriate joke by an MP is not really a #MeToo moment
The Problem with Canada�s Revenue Agency
Instead of mourning local news, try paying for it
The hefty price tag on righting historical wrongs
Liberals to push for gender equality during Canada�s turn at helm of G7 summit
Farm commodity groups happy with otherwise unresolved China trade mission
Ontarians pay millions for ineligible power generator costs, auditor finds
In public and in private, Trudeau takes familiar sales pitch to world�s elites
The day after Boeing filed its trade complaint, Australia offered Canada its used fighter jets
Bank of Canada holds rate but sends fresh signals that hikes are on the horizon
Sask. government rolls out red carpet for GTH investor who was wanted by China for fraud
World at �pivot point,� needs to embrace openness free trade, PM says
There is no polling consensus of Ontario�s political landscape and that could be a problem
Canada will not move embassy to Jerusalem, federal government says
Alberta pledges $1.4 billion for industry climate change initiatives
Tillerson, Trudeau to meet to discuss North Korea, says U.S. diplomat
Federal government scraps plan to buy Boeing jets, turns to Australian military instead
A continuum of unabated violence: Remembering the massacre at �cole Polytechnique
Kinder Morgan lawyer asks pipeline regulator to consider its bad �feeling� about Burnaby
Lights, camera, investigation: Alberta NDP seek probe into Kenney video shoot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< general takes aim at Ontario Liberals over spending and waste - Rob Ferguson & Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
Trudeau, Chinese Vice Premier strike similar note on trade openness at business summit - Alex Ballingall, Toronto Star
Feds worry Aussie fighter jets could dredge up disastrous used-submarine saga - The Canadian Press, CTV News
China is chasing Trudeau less now that they think he needs them - Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail
Reconciliation, fairness top of mind for new Supreme Court nominee Sheilah Martin - Laura Stone, The Globe and Mail
Nova Scotia�s newest senator ready to bring her �highly consultative� approach to Ottawa - CBC News
Don�t trust Wynne on car insurance - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Canada�s trade deficit narrows by half in October, to $1.5 billion- CBC News
GoodLife Fitness trainers in Toronto, 2 other communities achieve first union contract- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Ontario changing auto insurance system; aiming to tackle fraud, lower rates- CTV News
Manifestations apr�s la d�cision de Trump Plus
Lyft teste des taxis autonomes aupr�s du grand public � BostonPlus
Le Vinci vendu 450 millions de dollars ira au Louvre d'Abou Dhabi Plus
La prolif�ration des armes pourrait s'aggraver en Am�riquePlus
Joly refuse de r�p�ter que Netflix sera exempt� Plus
La Terre pourrait se r�chauffer 15% de plus d'ici 2100 Plus
La Chambre rejette � une large majorit� une proc�dure de destitution contre TrumpPlus
Washington lance �imm�diatement� les pr�paratifs pour d�m�nager l'ambassade � J�rusalem Trump sur J�rusalem
Philippe Pichet suspendu, Martin Prud'homme nomm� administrateur provisoire du SPVM Plus
P�dophilie: un pr�tre britannique reconnu coupable apr�s une longue cavalePlus
Isra�l: le Canada ne d�m�nagera pas son ambassade, mais refuse de critiquer TrumpPlus
Nouvelle plainte en nom collectif contre Harvey WeinsteinPlus
Trump reconna�t officiellement J�rusalem comme capitale d'Isra�l Plus
Disparition de Deborah Laurent-Gervais: un poste de commandement d�ploy� � McMastervillePlus
Rappel de boisson Four Loko et d'autres breuvages Blue SpikePlus
Des scientifiques ont-ils trouv� un os du p�re No�l?Plus
Vladimir Poutine annonce �tre candidat � la pr�sidentielle de mars 2018Plus
Val�rie Plante se prononce sur le sort du SPVMPlus
21 civils tu�s par des � frappes russes � dans l'EstPlus
Lourdes amendes pour les auteurs de � porno vengeur �Plus
Harc�lement: les � briseurs de silence � d�sign�s � personnalit� de l'ann�e � par TimePlus
Il y a 28 ans, 14 femmes �taient tu�es � la PolytechniquePlus
Starbucks ouvre en Chine son plus grand caf� du mondePlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
We�re Learning Mueller�s Probe Is Rotten to the Core - Scott McKay, American Spectator
Time For a Special Counsel to Investigate the FBI - Hugh Hewitt, Washington Post
Trump�s Russia Defense in Disarray - Stephen Collinson, CNN
Lebanese PM Hariri revokes resignation after consensus deal- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
Why would moving the US embassy to Jerusalem be so contentious?- Ian Black, The Guardian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Britain to propose new language on Irish border, Irish PM says
Trump asks Saudi Arabia to allow Yemen immediate access to aid
Nasrallah to speak on Jerusalem Thursday
PM Hariri warns region faces new dangers after U.S. decision on Jerusalem
UN chief says no alternative to two state solution in Middle East
Trump's Jerusalem announcement a "historic landmark": Netanyahu
Trump recognizes Jerusalem as capital of Israel
More than 200 nations promise to stop ocean plastic waste
Bolivia seeks emergency Security Council talks on Jerusalem
Palestinian leader to respond to Trump's Jerusalem announcement in TV speech
Putin declares 'complete victory' on both banks of Euphrates in Syria
Pakistan 'unequivocally opposed' to Trump's Jerusalem plan
Russia's Putin says will seek new presidential term in 2018
Rare skeleton shown of human ancestor, 3.6 million years old
Ukraine police fail to find Saakashvili in protest camp raid
May to call Trump as Britain voices 'concern' on Jerusalem plan
Catalonia's Puigdemont says to stay in Belgium 'for now'
Trump 'very committed' to Mideast peace process: Tillerson
UK PM May says good progress in Brexit talks, expects a deal
Iran 'will not tolerate' Trump Jerusalem 'violation': Rouhani
Assad's delegation stays away from Syria peace talks
China pushed global patent filings to record high in 2016: UN
Britain urges US to come forward with Mideast peace plan
Erdogan calls Islamic summit next week on Jerusalem
Kremlin: US embassy move to Jerusalem may worsen Israel-Palestinian relations
No comment on Trump's Jerusalem move from Netanyahu in first speech
Britain has not formally assessed impact of Brexit on economy: Brexit minister
Turkey warns US that Jerusalem embassy move is 'grave mistake'
Syrian government condemns US Embassy move to Jerusalem: SANA
Trump Jerusalem announcement draws ire
US plan to move Israel embassy sign of 'failure': Iran Supreme Leader
Future status of Jerusalem must be negotiated: UN envoy
China says US Jerusalem move could cause 'escalation' of tensions
Pope Francis defends Jerusalem 'status quo'
Britain has 'concern' about US Jerusalem plans: foreign minister
Honduras opposition proposes election recount or runoff
U.S. trade deficit scales nine-month high; oil prices lift imports
The U.S.-U.K. special relationship? It�s complicated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Environmental pressures among the strongest drivers of economic self-sufficiency for First Nations
The Deep State Institutions That Make Up The "Secret Government"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Environmental pressures among the strongest drivers of economic self-sufficiency for First Nations
Compelling New Study Forces Mainstream Media to Report On Link Between Vaccines and Autism
Maidan 2.0: The slow moving and more authentic Ukrainian uprising
The Deep State Institutions That Make Up The "Secret Government"<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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