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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Senate expenses proposal would ensure public told of reimbursements, Tory senator says
Disputed expenses can go to secret outside appeal, Senate rules
Mike Duffy appointment allegations false: source
Jim Prentice defends PC candidate in sex case, urges media to cover other issues
Police question Premier Wynne about Liberals� actions in Sudbury byelection
Duffy trial may not conclude until November
Mike Duffy trial: What�s in the Senate report the Crown doesn�t want as evidence?
Federal Budget a Success for Conservatives
Conservatives are taking the NDP�s Alberta momentum in stride
Now we find out what Jim Prentice is made of
Rebuilding Public Trust: Open Government & Open Dialogue in the Government of Canada
Conservatives� economic vision for Canada is hardly conservative
Alberta�s NDP insurgent in the oil patch
Finance department assailed by AG for lack of tax monitoring
The Trans-Pacific globalization pact Ottawa doesn�t want to talk about
Nepal aid laudable but chaos beckons
Tory civil war? Stream of unhappy revelations suggests Alberta PC party is starting to implode
Wildrose leader�s big challenge
Military sexual misconduct report to be released Thursday, Jason Kenney says
Timing of Bill Blair�s Liberal bid gets curiouser
Canada�s National Security Advisor Still Suspects Canadian Politicians Are Under Foreign Influence Share Tweet
Jason Kenney did not breach privilege with munitions mistake: Speaker
Notley says some NDP candidates in Alberta election also nominated federally
Manitoba premier finds no room in shuffled cabinet for ministers who revolted
Why did PEN choose Hebdo over Edward Snowden?
Duffy lawyer and Senate witness �each trying to defend the indefensible�
Ministers� Regional Offices May Be Promoting Conservative Party: NDP
Fredericton MP Keith Ashfield says cancer in remission, will run in election
Liberal lead in Atlantic Canada still wide, but shrinking
Anti-abortion activists attack Trudeau in leaflet campaign
Recruiting Bill Blair for the Liberals is a quizzical tactic by Trudeau
Liberals score highest as Conservatives stop six-week slide
Canadian military plane arrives in Nepal: officials
Prentice calls on voters, media to focus on economy, not PC controversies
Jim Prentice defends PC election candidate convicted of soliciting prostitute
Alberta election: Jim Prentice and the David Peterson parallel
Talk of Alberta coalition government finds little traction with leaders
Dodge Says Canada Needs Higher Interest Rates
Why Conservatives have the messaging advantage in campaigns
Health of key witness in Duffy trial shaky, defence warns
Senate studying process that would let senators quietly repay expenses
Mike Duffy trial delayed until Monday due to battle over evidence
Mike Duffy, Stephen Harper disagreed on P.E.I. appointment: Sources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ontario PCs face a fork in the road - Randall Denley, Ottawa Citizen
Alberta Tories diverted by family quarrel as election day nears - Don Braid, National Post
Federal government plans low-cost rollout of 2017 logo - Don Butler, Ottawa Citizen
Price to pay for voiding of teachers contract weighs on BC budget balance - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
Ottawa to begin flights out of Nepal by military plane for stranded Canadians - Kim Mackrael, The Globe & Mail
The Trans-Pacific globalization pact Ottawa doesn�t want to talk about - Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star
Wildrose leader says province doesn�t need �NDP experiment� - Annalise Klingbeil, Calgary Herald
The man behind Prentice�s election campaign stays behind the curtain - Allan Maki, The Globe & Mail
Canadian politicians no longer shy about declaring Canada �the best country in the world� - Tristin Hopper, National Post
Parole changes have increased prison populations and costs, audit reveals - Patrick White, The Globe & Mail
Why Every CEO Should Watch Bruce Jenner Interview- Trey Ditto, CNBC
China train makers said to eye controlling stake in Bombardier rail- Matthew Miller, The Globe & Mail
Non-permanent residents might be the secret ingredient in Canadian housing market- Gary Marr, Financial Post
Ontario municipal election fundraising rules eyed - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
Almost $400 million in work planned for Montreal�s bridges - Jason Magder, Montreal Gazette
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Revealed: Alberta�s ploy to break First Nations' pipeline opposition
Dehcho First Nations reject new NWT fracking rules
Alberta�s NDP insurgent in the oil patch: Tim Harper | Toronto Star
Will working on your own car mean breaking copyright laws?
GENETIC ENGINEERING: FrankenSalmon haven't gone away. Just what has happened up to 2015?
Canadians Want Climate Action. So What Are the Conservatives Waiting For?
Auditor General: Government hands out billions in tax breaks without proper oversight
New defence money no miracle cure for crippled budget Free
Auditor General slams Ottawa over First Nations' access to health care - APTN National News
Critics say they've heard this tune before, in the form of the former CIDA INC program.
Water near Mount Polley gold mine still tainted, tests find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
L'entra�neur Bertrand Charest est toujours en prisonPlus
L'Indon�sie d�fend les ex�cutions de condamn�sPlus
L'arm�e canadienne est arriv�e au N�palPlus
Arrestation: il essayait d'attirer une fillette avec des bonbonsPlus
Feu nourri de Legault contre V�ronyque TremblayPlus
La pire vengeance d'une femme tromp�ePlus
Son fils joue nu dehors, la GRC s'am�nePlus
N�pal: l'anti-�meute intervient pour contenir la col�rePlus
Proc�s Audet: un chef d'accusation abandonn� Plus
La Cour supr�me relance la controverse sur la peine de mortPlus
Le proc�s de Duffy ajourn� jusqu'� lundiPlus
Prime au recteur de Bishop's: inacceptable, dit BlaisPlus
St-Cyr Dubreuil condamn� � deux ans de prisonPlus
Fini les clowns, le yoga et les congr�s de luxePlus
G�rard Deltell remercie le NPD pour la publicit�Plus
Loi 101: le PQ demande au gouvernement de l�gif�rerPlus
La CSDM pourrait �tre plac�e sous tutellePlus
La GRC arr�te une pirate informatique de 27 ansPlus
F�ch�, un professeur distribue des �checs en s�riePlus
Nigeria: les autorit�s tentent d'identifier les 300 captivesPlus
14 000 tonnes de mat�riaux de construction entrent � GazaPlus
L'amant mange le coeur du partenaire tromp�Plus
Victime d'une crise cardiaque en pleine manif pro-cigarettePlus
Culture: 101 artistes soulignent la contribution de PKPPlus
Kim Jong-Un a fait ex�cuter 15 dignitaires du r�gime Plus
Les enseignants placardent des affiches sur les �colesPlus
Baltimore n'est pas rest�e calme longtempsPlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For the GOP, It�s One Billionaire, One Ballot - Dana Milbank, Washington Post
Baltimore and the State of American Cities - Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker
Without Obama, Bipartisanship Busts Out - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner
Fighting flares as Taliban advance on major Afghan city- The Times of India
Jean-Marie Le Pen allegedly hid millions in money and gold in secret Swiss account- France 24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Degradation of UNRWA services boosts extremism
Greece seeks to define sea boundaries with Egypt, Cyprus
The beginning of the end in Syria
U.S. economy nearly stalls in first quarter
Saudi Arabia trains tribesmen to battle Houthis
Nationalists set to sweep Scottish seats in U.K. vote
Saltwater potatoes offer hope for world�s hungry
Previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Globalization of War. America's "Long War" against Humanity
Widespread Use of Torture by Ukrainian Army and Security Services � CounterPunch
Two-Stepping Away from Bill's Legacy, Hillary Rebukes Era of Mass Incarceration
Iran Calls for Nuclear Disarmament by US, Israel, World
Iraqi Government Opposes US Congress Proposal to Arm Kurds - Prime Minister
Indicting the TPP: Even One of These Counts Is Sufficient to Vote to Kill It!
NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission Prepares for Handover
Read more:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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