Monday 25 May 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Tories may be considering nuclear option the Libs and NDP can�t match � lowering the GST

Governor General�s flight to pay respects to Saudi king cost $175K
        Liberals Respond To Tory Attack With Ad Promoting �Fairness Plan�
Swift quits C.D. Howe Institute over involvement in Trudeau attack ads
        Senate withholding internal report that proves Duffy�s innocence, lawyers say

New Conservative ad includes shot of doomed Camaro assembly line
        Julie Lalonde sees backlash after complaint about Royal Military College cadets
True extent of sexual misconduct problem in military unknown: Whitecross
        Federal election: Let�s have a three-way!
Grasping Alberta�s budget problems
        Auditor general to blow lid on Senate Scandal, Part II
Why Quebeckers are ready to embrace Tom Mulcair
        Mulcair looking more like a potential PM in waiting
Conservatives� debate strategy a game changer
        Tom Mulcair may be the next prime minister, so it�s time to start looking at his promises

Harper trumpets pro-Israel foreign policy shift
        Harper proving weak on governance, even weaker on courage
Harper now has to battle rivals on two fronts

A message for Mr. Harper � Conservative voters are feeling let down
        Conservatives are out to manipulate debate rules
Bill C-51: �No prosperity without security,� Steven Blaney says
        Kenney defends communism monument after poll shows public opposition
Ombudsman says Hydro One mistreated and misled customers about billing problems
        Fix may be in on replacing prison watchdog, says former top bureaucrat
Harper advises Tory MPs not to travel internationally until after 2015 election
        Feds� �propaganda� videos reflect �manic obsession with image management,� undermine public service independence: experts
Ontario to legislate striking high school teachers back to work
        Most Canadians oppose communism victims memorial: poll

Ruffled feathers, power plays: Canada�s first TV debate was also a headache
        Government scientists get permission to meet with union at workplace
Canadian border security: Most travellers aren�t fully screened
        Canada Consumer Sentiment Reaches 5-Month High
Opposition parties urge co-operation with provinces on mental-health services
        Canadians can�t seem to make up their minds about Omar Khadr, and decision to grant him bail: poll
ISIS mission: Canada�s fighter jets to be called upon with �significant frequency in the weeks to come,� says Kenney
        Canadians may belong to al-Qaida�s highly secretive Khorasan faction, intelligence report warns
Nanny program stonewalled by Ottawa, frustrated parents say
        Air Canada�s new carry-on crackdown doomed to fail, critics claim

Ontario ombudsman releases report into Hydro One billing practices
        Senate audit among costliest ever: Auditor General Michael Ferguson
RCMP to release OPP report on Oct. 22 shooting, full Michael Zehaf-Bibeau video
        Parliament Hill shooting: Nerve centre lacked tech help, food, senior execs
NDP shifts pre-election strategy in bid to raise Mulcair�s public profile
        New Tory attack ad targets Liberal leader despite poll showing NDP ahead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Timing is everying with back-to-work legislation announcement - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        Ontario teachers will be legislated back to work, but lack of support from NDP could delay bill for days - Ashley Csanady, National Post
Hydro One issued faulty bills to more than 100,000 customers: ombudsman - Adrian Morrow, The Globe & Mail
        NDP shifts pre-election strategy in bid to raise Mulcair�s public profile - Daniel Leblanc, The Globe & Mail
Rachel Notley�s ceremony to become Alberta�s 17th premier as unprecedented as her NDP victory - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
        Mel Hurtig�s new book designed to oust prime minister Stephen Harper - Sheila Pratt, Edmonton Journal
Rachel Notley sworn in as Alberta premier, reveals cabinet - CBC News
        Huge crowd watches new NDP cabinet make history at legislature - Graham Thompson, Edmonton Journal
Japan-Canada trade talks stalled with no meetings in sight - Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Do more on defence - Editorial, Toronto Sun

Conservatives hopeful new Alberta premier will consider major pipeline projects - Michelle Zilio, CTV News
        Not your father�s swearing-in ceremony: Popsicles, a folk band and an NDP government- Jen Gerson, National Post
NDP hit airwaves to boost leader Thomas Mulcair - Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star
        If school year in jeopardy, government �will take appropriate action,� Ontario education minister warns - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Scotiabank said to be weighing bid for Citigroup Central America- Scott Deveau, Doug Alexander & Michael McDonald, Toronto Star
        Digital blackmail: How cyber criminals are holding small companies to ransom- Danny Bradbury, Financial Post
Driverless trucks hauling cargo to Mexico? Group hopes to make it reality- Clare Clancy, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        TV producer fined $400,000, banned from selling securities in Alberta- Janet McFarland, The Globe & Mail
Why Is PayPal In the Credit Game?- Bourree Lam, The Atlantic

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


La menace terroriste contre le Canada continuerait de cro�trePlus
        UMQ: les maires Coderre et Labeaume trop encombrants?Plus
Saint-Henri: le vandalisme relance le d�bat de l'embourgeoisementPlus
        Meurtre de la f�te des M�res: Timothy Rapley coupablePlus
Des milliers de dollars retrouv�s dans un livre usag�Plus
        Un avion d'Air France escort� par des chasseurs am�ricainsPlus
Ado retrouv�e � Brossard: la th�se de l'agression est �cart�ePlus
        Le maire Coderre installe une piscine sans permisPlus
Bavures polici�res: r�glement amiable pour ClevelandPlus
        Tunisie: un militaire tue sept de ses camaradesPlus

Gar�on atteint d'une balle � Toronto: un canularPlus
        BAPE: le PQ propose de menacer le Port de Qu�becPlus
La chaleur enfin de retour au Qu�becPlus
        Lucie Laurier pense encore se pr�senter pour le BlocPlus
Trois dipl�mes universitaires � 11 ansPlus
        Le NPD aimerait interdire les microbilles de plastiquePlus
Le projet de loi 20 ne s'appliquera pas aux m�decins de famillePlus
        Malaisie: vaste r�seau de camps cach�s dans la junglePlus
Attentat en Afghanistan: plus de 70 bless�sPlus
        Syrie: au moins 15 raids du r�gime sur PalmyrePlus

Accident mortel de VTT au Lac Saint-JeanPlus
        Un orignal en balade � Saguenay Plus
Inde: une vague de chaleur tue plus de 430 personnesPlus
        Isra�l: Olmert condamn� � huit mois pour corruptionPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ohio Gov. John Kasich edges closer to 2016 run - Tom Howell Jr., Washington Times
        The GOP�s Plan to Win Florida - Blaise Ingoglia, Tampa Tribune
Can Feingold come back from defeat? - Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel
        Rubio�s Campaign Blueprint - Dan Balz, Washington Post
Sliver of Clinton Emails Hint at Lingering Political Trouble - Lisa Lerer, Matthew Lee & Jack Gillum, Real Clear Politics
        Negotiator: Iran agrees to �managed access� to nuclear sites- The Associated Press, The Times of India
Greece warns it is set to default on debt repayment loans- Phillip Inman, The Guardian
        Poland election: President Komorowski concedes to rival Duda- BBC News
�Hundreds killed� in Palmyra after ISIL takeover- Al Jazeera
        Thousands mourn slain Burundi opposition leader, vow intensified protests- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Egyptian woman arrested over racy music video
        Biden reassures Iraqi prime minister after US defense chief remarks
Russia launches massive air force exercise with 250 aircraft
        Iran hopes sanctions will be lifted by December
Palestinians to push forth with bid to oust Israel from FIFA
        'Tanks don't need visas,' blacklisted Russian official tells West
Polish opposition cheers presidential vote win, markets uneasy
        About 100 US, European jets join Arctic exercise near Russia
Russia says it has no access to men detained in Ukraine
        Lebanon reiterates right to liberate lands still occupied by Israel

China lodges complaint with US over spy plane flight
        Turkey says deal with US on air support for Syria rebels
Israel ex-PM Olmert gets 8 months for corruption
        Russia�s new �undesirables� legislation draws Western ire
Church reels after Ireland�s gay marriage �Yes�
        Us Veterans frustrated by presidential debate on Iraq war
Syria regime likely to accept de facto partition of country
        Iran denies agreement on military site inspections
The inward turn of the United Kingdom is tragic
        Political polarization in the West has led to policy paralysis
Previous                                           Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



The  following article  appeared last night.
Googling the headline indicates coverage
in Canadian main stream media lacking.

Decried internally - in international violation
The Senate or Governor General must act!

Bill C-51 violates Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OSCE finds

The Harper government�s controversial anti-terrorism bill violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Canada has ratified, according to legal analysis by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the world�s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization.

The Vienna-based group, which Canada joined in 1973, found that Section 16 of Bill C-51, which contain amendments to the Criminal Code outlawing �advocating or promoting the commission of terrorism,� places a number of direct restrictions on freedom of expression.

�International standards, in recognition of their potential overbreadth, call for restrictions on freedom of expression in this area to be limited to direct and intentional incitement to terrorism, instead of broader notions such as advocating, promoting or encouraging, and they also rule out indirect intent requirements such as recklessness,� OSCE report read. �This is potentially of particular concern to the media, which has a professional responsibility to report on terrorism and to ensure that the public are informed about terrorist threats and activities.�

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: �Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.�

Section 16 of the Bill also gives the responsible minister the power to seize and otherwise suppress �terrorist propaganda�, defined as anything that advocates, promotes or counsels the commission of a terrorist offence.

�In addition to the problems with restricting material that merely advocates or promotes terrorism, this rule is problematical inasmuch as it enables administrative action to restrict freedom of expression which is triggered by the very low standard of having �reasonable grounds� to believe the material is terrorist propaganda,� OSCE reported. �Furthermore, there are no protections against the overbroad application of this rule, such as a requirement that dissemination of the material would be likely to incite a terrorist offence before it may be seized. Once again, these provisions are potentially of serious concern to the media, in particular due to the risk that professional reporting on terrorism may require them to disseminate material which could be deemed to be terrorist propaganda.�

OSCE also expressed concern that the erosion of privacy rights and the expansion of no-fly lists would act to chill freedom of expression.

�Section 2 of the Bill establishes the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, which substantially increases the power to share information among 17 different Canadian government institutions, including institutions that hold a tremendous amount of personal information about Canadians,� the OSCE report read. �The link between threats to privacy and to freedom of expression has been well established and the enabling of significantly greater internal sharing of information among government institutions may exert a chilling effect on freedom of expression.�

�Although intentional abuse of this provision is unlikely in the Canadian context, there is a real risk that individuals who are in no way associated with terrorism may be caught up in the scheme based on controversial comments they may have made about terrorism,� OSCE added. �Furthermore, individuals placed on the no-fly list may be prevented from going before a court to contest this action for up to 90 days.�

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states �(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.�

The anti-terror bill is currently being studied in the senate after passing the third reading in the House of Commons by a margin of 183 to 96, with Conservatives and Liberals voting for the legislation and NDP and Greens voting against it.

Dozens of groups opposed to Bill C-51 are holding protests across Canada on Saturday May 30 against the legislation and are asking Canadians to write to the senators urging them to vote against the anti-terror act in the senate.


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