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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
RCMP investigation into Pamela Wallin�s expenses handed to Crown
Harper sidesteps Conservative law�s definition of recession on eve of GDP data
Poll Tracker: Margin narrows again in 3-way race
NDP attack ad skates over copyright on Del Mastro footage
Stephen Harper makes campaign stop at a Tim Hortons
Canada�s economy: The new rustbelt
Power and Politics � August 31
Race narrows as NDP support dips
Fear factor now haunts Conservatives
What you should know about the Trudeau poll numbers
A phoney war over economic stewardship
Recession? Knowing if we�re in one matters
NDP squeezed between two clearer plans for tackling recession
The King of Mean: Harper�s reign of fear continues
A debate on women�s rights would be better, but interviews are a good Plan B
Trudeau�s �Real Change� not much of a change
New poll suggests Albertans less optimistic about economy, don�t want taxes raised
Justice Binnie to start expense arbitration process by meeting 19 Senators mid-September
Laws against transporting booze across borders �ridiculous� Harper says
Laureen Harper playing more prominent role this election campaign
6 rulings that point to Justice Marshall Rothstein�s thinking
Marshall Rothstein muses on nine years in Canada�s Supreme Court
Politicians Miss Call as Canada Suspended Between Slump, Growth
Canada Quarterly Current Account Deficit is Wider than Forecast
CTV�s Question Period Returns On September 6
New candidates give up cash, family time to seek seat in Parliament
Mulcair unveils policy to fund shelters, end violence against women
Early writ drop forces media outlets to shake-up their election coverage
Mulcair drums up votes in Saskatchewan while Harper returns to campaign trail
Saskatchewan politics not as �slam-dunk predictable� with new riding map
How bad are the numbers? Notley government forecasts record $5.9B deficit
Harper won�t talk recession a day before key economic numbers are released
Twitter Canada data reveals which leader has their message sticking online
Less than five per cent of Conservative candidates agree to interview requests
Saskatchewan projecting $292M deficit; province blames wildfires, low oil prices
Economists cut Canada�s growth projection, casting cloud on election pledges
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< database on missing persons is overdue, over budget - Dean Beeby, CBC News
Calgary-Foothills race gets nasty with warring leaflets warning of �communism,� funding cuts- Clara Ho, Calgary Herald
Parents urge Ontario government to deliver all promised daycare reforms - Laurie Monsebraaten, Toronto Star
Liberals to release sex-ed ad blitz as school year begins - Sean Davidson, CTV News
CBC drops local TV affiliates in Oshawa, Peterborough and Kingston- Robin Levinson King, Toronto Star
Un jeune coureur subit un arr�t cardio-respiratoirePlus
Plusieurs chantiers sans ouvriers � Montr�alPlus
Enceinte � 13 ans, elle accouche � 14 ansPlus
Une plainte d�pos�e contre le maire CoderrePlus
Trois jeunes adultes squattent une maison � CantleyPlus
Nouvelle explosion monstre en ChinePlus
Qu�bec ouvre la porte � la fin du monopole de la SAQPlus
Crise foresti�re: reprise des activit�s sur la C�te-NordPlus
Perte de vitesse pour le NPD selon un nouveau sondagePlus
�conomie: nouvelle offensive de Stephen Harper Plus
Collision mortelle � Scott: dernier adieu aux victimesPlus
Affrontement � Kiev: un mort et une centaine de bless�s Plus
Femmes autochtones: Mulcair lance la pierre � HarperPlus
Proc�s Guy Turcotte: 1650 candidats jur�s appel�sPlus
Attentat de Bangkok: deux nouveaux suspects recherch�sPlus
Arrestation abusive: le policier Joseph James suspenduPlus
Un policier d�mis de ses fonctions � cause de cette vid�oPlus
Un d�but de septembre beau et tr�s chaudPlus
Ses 20 dollars trouv�s deviennent 1 million $Plus
Trois Canadiens morts dans un violent incendie en ArabiePlus
Parents, �coles et syndicats d�noncent le gouvernementPlus
Le Parti lib�ral attaque le NPD sur sa vision �conomiquePlus
Une r�alisation du Bloc chaque jour pendant une semainePlus
� l'aube d'un r�el changement, croit Elizabeth MayPlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< A Summer of Clinton Stumbles - Balz & Rucker, Washington Post
Trump Is a Nuisance, Not a Nightmare - Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg
One-Term Biden Could Prove Unbeatable - Ruth Marcus, Real Clear Politics
Italian energy giant Eni finds �largest-ever� gas field in Mediterranean- The Associated Press, The Globe & Mail
Migration crisis: Germany, France and Britain demand urgent EU meeting- Frances Perraudin, The Guardian
Yemen air strike kills 31 in Hajjah province- BBC News
Iran nuclear deal will �fuel terrorism�: Netanyahu- The Times of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Greece revives privatizations with one difference: more time
EU shares slide to worst performance since 2011
Tehran: Foreign investors must share benefits
Egypt�s Zohr gas find rewrites Israel�s happy ending
Rising oil output boosts Saudi economic growth
Chinese media air stock market confessions
The U.S. demonstrates it will defend allies in Syria
In opposing new migrants, Europe is forgetting its own past
Attacks on pro-Iran deal Jews offend Obama
Guardsman killed in violent Ukraine protests
Taliban kept leader�s death secret for military reasons
Refugee crisis testing Europe�s core ideals, Merkel warns
Huge transfer fees spark concerns in Germany
* Harper's Ukrainian ploy: Canada fails to see complexity in Ukraine-Russia standoff
"According to the Harper government rhetoric, the crisis in Ukraine is a very simple,
black-and-white equation: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
This is, of course, good old political pandering to the sizable diaspora of
Ukrainian-Canadian voters in advance of the federal election."
The "pandering" to support "the bankrupt Poroshenko regime" includes
sending c.$500 million that could have been better spent here and
Canadian Forces personnel to train militias in Western Ukraine.
Inform yourself about where our taxes and troops are going
* Right wing, anti-decentralization protest in Kyiv kills one policeman, injures dozens more
* Harper's Ukrainian ploy: Canada fails to see complexity in Ukraine-Russia standoff
"According to the Harper government rhetoric, the crisis in Ukraine is a very simple,
black-and-white equation: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
This is, of course, good old political pandering to the sizable diaspora of
Ukrainian-Canadian voters in advance of the federal election."
The "pandering" to support "the bankrupt Poroshenko regime" includes
sending c.$500 million that could have been better spent here and
Canadian Forces personnel to train militias in Western Ukraine.
Inform yourself about where our taxes and troops are going
* Right wing, anti-decentralization protest in Kyiv kills one policeman, injures dozens more