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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Economy Poll: Half of Canadians say Harper win would have a negative impact
Harper facing questions after PMO staffer spotted talking to witness at Duffy trial
Tory campaign sorry for twice soliciting vote of murdered Quebec woman
Liberal candidate accuses Tories of �sexism� over cancelled talk at private club for �Bay Street Boys�
Trudeau to unveil multi-billion infrastructure plan to boost stagnant economy
It�s not your first election, Mr. Harper. Why are you screwing it up?
My lonely cross-country sojourn in search of a chatty Conservative
Paul Martin damages legacy standing with Trudeau
Harper, Mulcair and Trudeau unprepared for economic crisis
Everybody relax. Campaign 2015 hasn�t even started yet.
Recess in Mike Duffy trial no reason to break out champagne at the PMO
Quebec law would stifle free speech
Human rights commission to tackle �political convictions�
Alberta NDP offers no plan for handling revenue crisis, plunging confidence
Harper stops in dairy country, leaves locals looking for answers on trade talks
Mulcair �not entertaining any thought� of running a deficit
Election 2015: NDP leads, but CPC�s base is most solid
Federal leaders take jabs at each other over economy
Tories would spend $200M on high-speed broadband Internet access in rural areas
Liberals promise tax refund for teachers� out-of-pocket school supplies
Defence procurement an elephant in the war room
Harper assured details of Saudi arms deal would stay under wraps
Harper says Tories to stick to economic plan amid volatility
Fracking triggered 2014 earthquake in northeastern B.C.
Coalition wants party leaders to debate women�s issues
Answers found in trunk of Elizabeth May�s car
Alberta premier says detour onto reserve land unfortunate; motorists faced $20 toll
PMO issues manager makes cameo appearance as former issues manager testifies at Duffy trial
Mike Duffy trial: Crown, defence cases overshadowed by political bombshells
Canada pays $1.6 million to ship $5 million worth of surplus gear to Ukraine
Freeland campaign said to target NDP opponent for not being a mother
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< assured Saudi Arabia details of arms deal would stay under wraps - Steven Chase, The Globe & Mail
Catholic teachers, school boards, reach tentative deal - Louise Brown & Kristin Rushowy, Toronto Star
Watching Duffy from Friendly Lane, P.E.I. - Jason Markusoff, Macleans
Subsidizing Selinger�s stupidity - Tom Brodbeck, Winnipeg Sun
$70-million cost of overtime blamed on shortage of specially trained nurses in B.C. - Susan Lazaruk, Vancouver Province
BMO profits rise on consumer banking gains- Bloomberg, Toronto Star
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Harper, Serial Abuser of Power: The Evidence Compiled
'You Have Forgotten': Seven Conservative Attacks on Canada's Veterans
Why Foreign Ownership Data Won't Solve Vancouver's Affordability Crisis
Canada's Harsh 'Austerity' Policies Started with Liberals (80 comments)
Possible Saviour of Canadian Democracy? Independents (51 comments)
P�ladeau part en croisade pour relancer l'�conomiePlus
Poussette renvers�e par un camion de Postes CanadaPlus
Journalistes tu�s en direct: le tireur est d�c�d�Plus
D�ficits budg�taires: Trudeau attaque ses adversairesPlus
M�lanie Joly: sa nomination contest�ePlus
�crasement d'hydravion: victimes britanniques connuesPlus
La d�put�e Sylvie Roy quitte le caucus de la CAQPlus
Le tireur du cin�ma d'Aurora condamn� � la perp�tuit� Plus
Incendie � Saint-Andr�-d'Argenteuil: un corps retrouv� dans les d�combresPlus
Suspension de la b�tonni�re Lu Chan Khuong: encore des proc�duresPlus
Vers l'�quilibre budg�taire, r�it�re Carlos LeitaoPlus
Un cr�dit � l'innovation stimulera l'investissement, dit MulcairPlus
Discours haineux: la ministre Vall�e reste sur ses positionsPlus
Primes de d�part: Moreau parle de �raisons s�rieuses�Plus
Harper promet 200 M $ pour l'acc�s � Internet haute vitessePlus
Trudeau promet un cr�dit d'imp�t pour les enseignantsPlus
Hongrie: tir de lacrymog�nes sur un centre de migrantsPlus
Espionnage: Obama pr�sente des excuses au JaponPlus
Attaque du Thalys: l'autre soldat r�compens� aux �-UPlus
Deux soldats de l'Otan tu�s par des hommes en uniforme afghanPlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Biden-Warren Would Raise a Ruckus - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg
Democrats Between a Rock & a Hard Place - Noemie Emery, Washington Examiner
Why Biden Shouldn�t Run, and Won�t - Brent Budowsky, The Hill
The Apple email that may have prevented a complete market collapse- Christina Pellegrini, Financial Post
Burundi cabinet sworn in amid political infighting- France 24
800 Islamists preparing to attack Europe: Reports- The Times of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
New US special envoy for Syria to travel to Russia, Saudi Arabia
UK Iraq war inquiry chair defends decision to move slowly
Egypt turns to Russia to combat terrorism
Junior party to leave Northern Ireland government over IRA
Obama expresses regret to Japan's Abe for spying charges
Erdogan urges Turkey to choose 'stability' in November polls
Serbia and Kosovo hail 'landmark' agreements
Libya's land phone line system breaks down after cables were damaged
Israel starts freeing hundreds more African migrants
Aid groups appeal for end to Gaza blockade
Military may have skewed ISIS analysis: report
Philippines seeks US help to protect troops in disputed sea
Italy hits back at Merkel in migrants row
Malaysia, Indonesia to deploy rapid response team to fight soaring piracy
Two new attacks hit refugee centers in Germany
India, Australia to hold naval drills with eye on China
Conservative rebellion on Greek aid hits Merkel's support: poll
Assad confident of support from �principled� Russia
Libya calls for international airstrikes against ISIS
Without Saudis, talk of OPEC meet only noise
Russia trims GDP forecasts as new oil plunge batters ruble
China cuts rates, reserve ratio after stocks fall
Dominating television, Donald Trump proves a ratings draw
From: Rebecca Gingrich To: Joe Hueglin <>
Subject: [video]All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
Joe--sadly this is the world we live in. And it will only get worse.
�The Banksters Did It�: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse
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