>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Freeland tells Mexicans that Canada sees NAFTA as a three-way negotiation
Three ways the Conservative leadership vote could still get interesting
New report alleges outside influence in Canada�s 2015 federal election
Government anxious to advance marijuana reform, bill changing impaired-driving law could move quicker than pot legalization
As Conservatives Choose and the NDP Race Heats Up, Where Things Stand in Canadian Politics.
Liberals take 3 vote lead in Courtenay-Comox as absentee ballots are tallied
B.C. vote count grows closer as groups push for NDP-Green pact in legislature
Frustrated families vow to �blockade� missing and murdered inquiry hearings
Could Trudeau�s sunny days be coming to an end?
Policy-making and the Conservative Party
Quebec NDP success requires more than speaking French
A Conservative leader to stay the course or to find a new direction?
Justin Trudeau wants to legalize cannabis, but as a Canadian I know he has bigger issues to deal with
Power Play: NAFTA talks triggered
Trump isn�t the only one who needs a better NAFTA deal
Journey through the darkness of cancer
Final push for votes this week in Conservative leadership race
Division is the biggest threat to federal Conservatives, says Kenney
PM Trudeau: Many innocent victims of U.K. concert attack �far too young�
Trudeau heads to NATO, G7 summits, where Trump is top of mind for world leaders
Freeland speech to trumpet Canadian tolerance, but no shouting at Trump please
Canadians want Ottawa to erase old marijuana convictions, poll finds
How the Conservative leadership vote could be won, ballot by ballot
Conservatives say leadership �wide open� and �excited� about party renewal, first leadership convention in 13 years
Iconic Honest Ed�s Sign Comes Down Today In Toronto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Mary Dawson need to stick around forever?
Why the debate over cultural appropriation misses the mark - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto StarNew labour report calls for expanded worker protections in Ontario - Robert Benzie & Sara Mojtehedzadeh, Toronto Star
Quebec NDP success requires more than speaking French - Tom Parkin, Ottawa Sun
NDP MP Niki Ashton has made her priorities clear - Michael Mostyn, Toronto Sun
High-speed train between Windsor and Toronto �an interesting project� for Infrastructure Bank, Ottawa says- Alicja Siekierska, Financial Post
�Diversification is the key� in softwood exports: Ottawa- Keith Zhai, The Globe and Mail
Premi�res pi�ces du tr�sor de Toutankhamon au nouveau mus�e du CairePlus
AL�NA: Mexique et Canada pour une ren�gociation tripartitePlus
Plus de la moiti� des propri�taires canadiens n'ont pas les fonds pour faire face � un impr�vu financierPlus
Qu�bec verse 40 millions $ au port de Montr�alPlus
La CIA avait averti Moscou contre toute ing�rence dans l'�lection 2016Plus
L'�tat du Texas en voie d'adopter une loi d�cri�e par les transgenresPlus
Une adolescente de 17 ans manque � l'appel � Montr�alPlus
Syrie: nombre record de civils tu�s par la coalition internationale en un mois Plus
Ascension de l'Everest: l'Espagnol Kilian Jornet revendique un record mondial de 26 heuresPlus
N�o-nazi devenu musulman tue deux anciens camarades pour manque de respectPlus
Les gar�ons de plus en plus victimes de sextorsionPlus
Attentat � Manchester: les politiciens canadiens et qu�b�cois solidairesPlus
22 morts, kamikaze identifi�, revendication de l'EIPlus
Deux Indon�siens re�oivent des coups de canne pour relations homosexuellesPlus
Manchester: solidarit� des maires de Paris et de NicePlus
Panama: notice rouge d'Interpol pour arr�ter l'ex-pr�sident MartinelliPlus
�tats-Unis: O.J. Simpson pourrait sortir de prison cette ann�ePlus
Venezuela: huiti�me semaine de manifestations, 49 mortsPlus
Br�sil: la police reprend le contr�le d'un quartier d'usagers de crackPlus
Macron recevra Poutine lundi prochain � VersaillesPlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The View From Trump Country - Matthew Tully, Indianapolis Star
Iran�s leader jabs Trump�s �theatrical� Saudi trip - Mark Hensch, The Hill
GOP Must Go on Offense Against Obstructive Dems - Holly Robichaud, Boston Herald
Anti-Trump Democrats Invite Chaos - Ted Van Dyk, Wall Street Journal
The Coming Test of the GOP�s House Majority - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard
Gambia accuses former president Jammeh of stealing $50m- Al Jazeera
French President Macron to host Russia�s Putin at Versailles palace- France 24
Turkey crowd taunts coup suspects at mass trial near Ankara- BBC News
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Trump touts ultimate peace, but same obstacles remain
Trump's Saudi embrace, Iran disdain upend Obama's vision: analysts
Trump wants Mideast peace 'compromise' but says won't be easy
UK police say 23-year-old man arrested over Manchester attack
Putin ready to boost UK anti-terror links after 'inhuman' attack
Trump meets Palestinian leader in Bethlehem
Disagreements surface over China-backed Asia trade deal
End of the affair: Montenegro jilts Russia by joining NATO
Growing grassroots movements confronting school sex assault
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NATO is making up Russian threat to justify its own existence - former French intel chief
If China Can Fund Infrastructure With Its Own Credit, So Can We
How automation will affect you
From: Robert Ede
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NATO is making up Russian threat to justify its own existence - former French intel chief
If China Can Fund Infrastructure With Its Own Credit, So Can We
How automation will affect you
Subject: What every North American should learn about the 'fifth column' penetration of our territory
---Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
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