Saturday, 27 May 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

5 things to watch for in today�s Conservative leadership result

Conservative leadership convention projects �united� front, but some attendees admit to nervousness, uncertainty in the ranks
        Complex rules for selecting CPC leader may need to be revisited, says Calgary MP
PM Trudeau and U.S. President Trump talk trade, security at G7 summit
        B.C. political parties very close to reaching deal, Green leader says

Why Did So Many Tory Hopefuls Stay Until The End? It�s Complicated
Half of Canadians can�t decide which Conservative is best PM material: Nanos
Conservatives need to learn from Liberal �interim�
The next Conservative leader will have to party to rebuild
�Canada�s Donald Trump� was never on offer in the Conservative leadership race

The Insiders | Conservative leadership race concluding
Dissecting the paths to victory for the 13 Conservative leadership candidates
Conservative leadership candidates stress unity and core values in final speeches


Climate change adaptation on the farm and ranch
Will B.C. LNG exports reduce global carbon emissions?
Turning the climate corner with nuclear energy
Ontario still needs an electricity policy plan
Site C: It�s not too late to hit pause


A Bernier Conservative party: �Reasonable� and �Mad�?
In defence of policy
A Primer to the Brussels NATO Summit
Judicial education doesn�t breach independence, but Bill C-337 might.
Saskatchewan�s Brad Wall and the rehabilitation of the Charter
What Should Canada�s Aims be in Any Renegotiation of NAFTA? (Win)
A secret ballot vote for union certification serves the interest of Canadian workers
The case for a �mutual recognition� deal with the US
The notwithstanding clause�s toxic legacy
Ontario�s basic income pilot will discourage work and encourage dependency
The awkward case of Canada�s British prince
Teacher union �me too� clause would make Alberta fiscal situation even worse
The trouble with prioritizing dads� leave
Can We Focus On The Real Defence Issues Facing Canada?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Trudeau should reset his agenda with pharmacare

The CPC leadership race had little star power � and was much better for it - Andrew Coyne, National Post
New poll offers boost to Bernier, but Conservatives face broad challenges - Daniel LeBlanc and Laura Stone, The Globe and Mail
Did Kevin know what he was getting into? Inside O�Leary�s strange Conservative candidacy - Mike Coates, National Post
Tories to Liberals: pay up, or don�t come to our convention - Meagan Campbell, Macleans
Voter breakdown will reveal the direction of the Conservative party as members elect their new leader - Chantal H�bert, Toronto Star
Curbing money politics saves us money � and land - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
Multibillion-dollar naval warship project hits another delay - Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Health Canada approves new supervised consumption sites in B.C. and Montreal - The Canadian Press, CBC News
Why the ethics commissioner did wrong by Nigel Wright - Andrew MacDougall, Macleans
Saskatchewan man charged over online threats against Justin Trudeau - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
The 2017 Conservative convention, through Tony Clement�s eyes - Macleans
Clark should step down as leader if Liberals can�t form a government: Poll - Vancouver Sun
Liberal MPs offer amendments to controversial changes for budget watchdog - Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Max Bernier as the Comeback Kid, and other tales from the CPC campaign - John Ivison, National Post
Ghost of past campaign looms over Conservative party leadership event - Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Ford�s ex-CEO leaves company with US$51.1 million- CTV News
At Tim Hortons it�s not business as usual: Profits are up, but so is franchisee discontent- Hollie Shaw, Financial Post
Softwood lumber: The never-ending battle- Gordon Ritchie, The Globe and Mail
Nortel Canada to start paying billions to creditors- The Canadian Press, CBC News
GTA home sales plunge as much as 61 per cent- Tess Kalinowski, Toronto Star


Gr�ve dans le secteur de la construction: les d�put�s sont convoqu�s lundi pour adopter une loi sp�cialePlus
Ontario: 200 tourti�res � la dinde d�rob�e dans une �glisePlus
Un corps rep�ch� pr�s des eaux de l'�le CharronPlus
Deux hommes poignard�s � mort dans une agression islamophobe � PortlandPlus
L'Inde confirme ses premiers cas de Zika Plus
L'enqu�te sur l'affaire russe se rapproche du premier cercle de TrumpPlus
Le ramadan a commenc� pour un milliard et demi de musulmansPlus
Il heurte volontairement une femme � HalifaxPlus
Trudeau et Trump discutent de l'AL�NAPlus
Maxime Bernier, prochain chef conservateur?Plus
Accord de Paris sur le climat: Trump tranchera la semaine prochainePlus
Gr�ve dans la construction: les n�gociations se poursuiventPlus
Mort suspecte � Anjou: 11e homicide de l'ann�e Plus
Un b�timent ravag� par un incendie suspect � Outremont Plus
Manchester: 2 nouvelles arrestations, 11 personnes en gardes � vue Plus
Afghanistan: 18 tu�s dans l'explosion d'une voiture pi�g�ePlus
Jeter son m�got dans un pot de fleurs peut �tre fatal Plus
Hillary Clinton compare Trump � Nixon et sa d�missionPlus
Le Pentagone va tester l'interception d'un missile intercontinental


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Untangling the web of Jared Kushner - Philip Rucker, Washington Post
        Clinton: �I don�t die� despite the right�s �best efforts� - Julia Manchester, The Hill
While Democrats Bicker, Another Bully Wins an Election - D.D. Guttenplan, The Nation
        On Travel Ban, Judges Reach �Trump Only� Decision - Byron York, Washington Examiner
It�s All About Trump�s Contempt - Paul Krugman, New York Times
        Clinton Hints Trump�s Presidency Will End Like Nixon - Chelsea Bailey, NBC News
G7 demand action on extremist net content at summit- BBC News
        Election campaign resumes after Manchester attack- AFP, The Times Of India
Egypt launches strikes in Libya after Minya attack- Al Jazeera
        Lady Justice statue in Bangladesh is removed after Islamist objections- Michael Safi, The Guardian
Obama speaks out about climate change as G7 pressure Trump to honour Paris pact- Louise Nordstrom, France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Ramadan begins for world's Muslims, violently for some
        What if US quits climate deal? Doesn't look good for Earth
G7 to acknowledge climate deadlock with US
        Putin discusses Syria, economic ties with Iran's Rouhani: Kremlin
Top China official says Hong Kong's autonomy is not a licence to challenge Beijing
        The TPP�s second act: Why the Pacific trade deal isn�t dead yet
OPEC ponders how to coexist with U.S. shale oil industry
        Previous                           Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ten Years After the Crisis, What Is Happening to the World's Bees?

Does NATO Confront Threats, or Create Them?


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