Saturday 13 May 2017

Daily Digest May 12, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trump threatens Comey in Twitter outburst

Liberals agree to scrap most controversial elements of bill C-7 on RCMP unionization
        Government agrees to make changes to bill on supervised drug-injection sites
Trudeau says government taking �appropriate� time to decide peace mission
        Ontario Tories hire private auditors to watch their own nominations

Liberal bill will bar oil tanker traffic from northern B.C. coast
        Auditor-General expected to expose RCMP�s mental-health failings
Liberals reshape judicial bench with appointments of women
        The carnage in Mali while Trudeau delays
There�s one Conservative who can beat the Liberals, decimate the NDP and vaporize the BQ: Maxime Bernier
        A Canadian post-racial moment. Or was it?
So How�s That Whole �Diversity In Media� Thing Going?
        Who in his cabinet can Justin Trudeau actually trust?
Listen, for the 18th time, the Liberal government is not transparent
        Opposition shadows cloud PM Trudeau�s question period

Magazine editor the latest to be silenced for the sin of free speech
        Tories should stop politicking, support infrastructure bank
Ask Kady anything: Who will end up governing British Columbia?

Canada Infrastructure Bank could fund high-speed rail in Alberta, Ontario
        Canada�s decision on peacekeeping mission is now delayed for months
Canadians in Latvia to keep calm and carry on in face of massive Russian military exercise
        Canada 150 �dome� film seeking venues after national tour cancelled
Agricultural and Agri-Food Research � Collaboration Is Needed to Build Sustainable Growth
        Cultural appropriation: Why can�t we debate it?
After Comey, Trudeau needs to change his tune on Trump
        Infrastructure bank won�t best serve the public
Trudeau�s determination to stick to a script undercuts his message
        B.C.�s political earthquake reverberates in Ontario

It will take weeks for B.C. political landscape to sort itself out
        Take the Conservative litmus test
No more business as usual at Bombardier
        B.C. minority government gives NDP, Greens chance to push for electoral reform
Calgary prof says decisions of new B.C. government could affect Alberta NDP
        Premier Wall�s use of private email server concerning: NDP
Tory candidate �outraged� after video of brochure burning posted to Maximeme Bernier Facebook page
        Mandatory breath tests for booze won�t violate rights, justice minister says
Trump trade czar now in place; president says he wants �massive� NAFTA changes
        Electricity prices to soar after four years, says secret Liberal cabinet document
Freeland praises Tillerson�s work on Arctic Council climate change statement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

In the middle of an election, London is oddly quiet

Wynne supporters living in fantasy land - Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun
        Wynne pushes Ring of Fire chiefs for decision on regional road - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail
Voters punished B.C. Liberals for too much politics, not enough leadership, says former minister - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
        Trudeau picks cabinet advisor to become new head of CSIS - Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star
Amarjeet Sohi defends the Liberals� infrastructure bank - Paul Wells, Macleans
        Federal Liberals to reinforce Trans Mountain pipeline support with B.C. - The Canadian Press, CBC News
Liberals� reckless blunders to blame for hydro fiasco - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
        Harper not expected at Conservative leadership convention - Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Wynne Liberals can�t be trusted - Editorial, Toronto Sun
        Alberta needs to find its own tools in the pipeline toolkit - Chris Varcoe, Calgary Herald

UN agency wants Trudeau to push G7 on unaccompanied refugee children - Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Enbridge profit slips on Spectra timing, warmer Ontario winter- Kelly Cryderman, The Globe and Mail
Moody�s downgrades credit ratings of Canada�s Big Six banks- Armina Ligaya, Financial Post

La Nasa repousse le test de sa capsule Orion pour des raisons de co�tsPlus
        Les �tats-Unis mettent en garde contre une vague mondiale de cyberattaquesPlus
Un chasseur russe fr�le un avion militaire am�ricain au-dessus de la mer NoirePlus
        Russie : 11 personnes arr�t�es sur la Place Rouge Plus
Colombie: fin du d�sarmement des premiers gu�rilleros des FarcPlus
        Le pape acclam� par la foule � son arriv�e au PortugalPlus
Hormis �quelques exceptions�, pas de revenus russes pour TrumpPlus
        Sherbrooke: deux jeunes recherch�s pour vol de bouteilles d'eauPlus
L'ONU s'inqui�te d'un usage g�n�ralis� de la torture au PakistanPlus
        Montr�al : un projet-pilote pour d�jouer la congestion routi�rePlus

Les ravages du gel printanier d'avril vont co�ter cher aux vignobles fran�aisPlus
        Un tribunal autorise un enfant de 12 ans � refuser une chimioth�rapiePlus
Un enfant s�questr� par ses parents durant des ann�es lib�r� en Isra�lPlus
        Amaya veut s'installer quitter Montr�al pour Toronto et changer de nomPlus
Attaqu� par son serpent, un homme de Longueuil appelle les policiersPlus
        Trois fois la limite d'alcool dans le sang avec son fils dans la voiturePlus
P�kin ach�tera du boeuf et du gaz am�ricainPlus
        Un tombeau m�di�val menac� d'inondation d�plac� en TurquiePlus
Nombreuses fermetures de routes � cause des inondationsPlus
        Les routes � �viter cette fin de semainePlus

Rappel de nourriture pour b�b� �Scarlett's Sweet Beets Blend� en raison de la pr�sence possible de noyauxPlus
        La Maison Blanche furieuse apr�s la publication de photos par MoscouPlus
Arabie: l'ach�vement de la plus haute tour du monde repouss� � 2019Plus
        France: Macron d�voile ses candidats pour la bataille des l�gislativesPlus
Zones inondables: Pas question de chasser les citoyens de leur quartier, plaident Trudeau et CouillardPlus
        Moscou soutient la reprise du dialogue entre Isra�liens et Palestiniens selon PoutinePlus
L'enqu�te russe continue malgr� le limogeage du chef du FBIPlus
        R�seau �lectrique m�tropolitain : Qu�bec veut simplifier le processus d'expropriationPlus
�pid�mie de m�ningite au Nigeria: plus de 1000 mortsPlus
        Trop t�t pour parler d'un d�gel des relations russo-am�ricainesPlus

Uber doit avoir les m�mes licences que les taxisPlus
        La SQ met en garde contre les fraudes li�es � des institutions financi�resPlus
Pour la troisi�me ann�e cons�cutive, VIA Rail en pleine croissance


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Message to Republicans: Don�t Fall for Media Tricks on Comey - Rush Limbaugh
        Maybe It�s Best If Hillary Moved On - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Swamp Creature Comey Deserved Firing - Charles Hurt, Washington Times
        For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left�s Uproar Over Comey - Jeremy W. Peters, New York Times
White House: Trump to visit FBI headquarters in coming days - Mallory Shelbourne, The Hill
        Trump�s Ouster of Comey Puts Republican Lawmakers in a Bind - Rebecca Berg, Real Clear Politics
President Trump�s Quiet Victories - Conrad Black, American Greatness
        Senate hard-liners outline health-care demands with Medicaid in the crosshairs - David Weigel, Washington Post
Germany not �first in line� to boost Afghanistan troops- Al Jazeera
        New South Korean president talks to China, Japan leaders- AFP, The Times Of India
Egypt �uncovers burial chamber of pharaoh�s daughter�- BBC News
        Brexit will not jeopardise peace in Ireland, EU�s chief negotiator says- Lisa O'Carroll, The Guardian
US-backed Syrian militias capture territory in push toward Raqqa- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

In global appeal, North Korea urges states not to enforce UN sanctions
        Iran's Rouhani lashes out at hardliners in blistering final debate before vote
Turkey detains opposition newspaper editor
        Congo announces 9 suspected Ebola cases, including 2 deaths
Brexit means changing N.Ireland peace deal: Blair
        US decision to arm Syrian Kurdish YPG counter to relationship with Turkey, Erdogan says
Australia considering NATO request to send more troops to Afghanistan
        �You�re just meat�: Ukrainian soldiers get chilling texts
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

A murderous history of Korea


From: Larry Kazdan
To: Toronto Star <> Cc:
Subject: Re:  Infrastructure bank won�t best serve the public: McQuaig, May  11, 2017

Why does Finance Minister Bill Morneau plan to fund low-risk public infrastructure by giving investors 7-9% rates of return when government bonds can be issued at 2%?  In fact, if the bonds were held by our own central bank, then the cost to the public would be even lower. 

Economist John Hotson has stated, "When the Bank of Canada encourages the Canadian government, provinces, and municipalities to borrow in New York and Tokyo it is a betrayal of Canada. Where should they borrow when new money is needed for government spending? They should borrow at the government owned Bank of Canada, paying near zero interest rates-just sufficient to cover the Bank's running expenses."
Nor is BoC funding a new idea:  In the period 1945�70, the Bank held between 20�25% of Canadian public debt, a time when federal government capital expenditure funded highways, airports, bridges, schools, hospitals, seaways, and many new social programs. The decision to hand our infrastructure over to private and foreign investors is an improper policy choice contrary to the public interest. 
1. Economist John Hotson
"When the Bank of Canada encourages the Canadian government, provinces, and municipalities to borrow in New York and Tokyo it is a betrayal of Canada. Where should they borrow when new money is needed for government spending? They should borrow at the government owned Bank of Canada, paying near zero interest rates-just sufficient to cover the Bank's running expenses."

2. Call for Renaissance of the Bank of Canada
Through our publicly owned Bank of Canada, which was established in 1935, the federal government has the power to borrow money in huge quantities essentially interest-free, and to make such funds available not only for its own use, but also for provincial and municipal expenditures. Such borrowing helped Canada to get out of the Great Depression, and to finance its participation in World War II. Continuance of this practice until about 1975 played a key role in creating Canada's post-war prosperity and in making possible its social programs.
As federal governments, which control the Bank of Canada, increasingly catered to the private commercial banks, this practice greatly declined. Governments at all levels throughout Canada increasingly had to resort to borrowing from the private banks and other private moneylenders, including foreign sources.
3. Is Monetary Financing Inflationary? A Case Study of the Canadian Economy, 1935�75
"As shown in figure 1, between 20�25% of Canadian public debt was financed and held by the central bank and government from the end of World War II up to the early 1980s����..
�.in the period 1945�70�.Federal government capital expenditure funded highways, airports, bridges,schools, hospitals, and other physical infrastructure.
During the period 1960-75, the federal government also introduced virtually all of the major policy innovations that make up Canada�s system of social programs: Canada-wide Medicare, universal pensions, the modern unemployment insurance system, and cost-sharing with the provinces for higher education and welfare."

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