Sunday 7 May 2017

Daily Digest May 7, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

China beckons Canada and Mexico in face of U.S. uncertainty: Mexican minister

French election: Macron �defeats Le Pen to become president�
        Time for an �honest� list of defence costs, says Marc Garneau
Tory leadership hopeful Michael Chong: �I�ve said no to bigotry�
        Justin Trudeau takes a lot of questions, but doesn�t always answer

�Significant� military spending coming, Garneau says
        Legal pot could slow border crossings, former U.S. diplomat warns
Next round of China-Canada trade talks coming this summer: John McCallum
        The problem with Trudeau�s diverse cabinet: Rookie ministers make rookie mistakes
Will money and arrogance cost Christy Clark the BC election?
        Mayo medicare�s next mission
Question Period. It is not pretty, but it�s public
        Constant campaigning leaves no time for governing
The Hillary effect: Shush the woman, then watch her roar
        Basic Income Pilot Will Require a Big Rethink by All Ontarians

Canadian senior with home in Florida barred from U.S. over voter-registration form
        As B.C. election looms, party leaders target key ridings
B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan bets that people-focused campaign will pay off
        B.C. Green leader making bold predictions about multiple seats in Tuesday�s vote
Clark still smiling about chances as B.C. election enters homeward stretch
        B.C. Election 2017: Clark moves to prop-up Metro ridings against NDP
Drum roll please � my choice for Conservative leader is �
        Drugs and Trudeau government a combustible mix
At Issue: Harsh words in the House of Commons
        N.S. Election Poll: Liberals lead, Tories, NDP trail

Flood fighting continues in Central, Eastern and Western Canada
        Commons panel struggles to finalize report on how to help ailing news industry
It�s crunch time for the Conservative leadership race: Here�s everything you need to know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Why I�d vote for Maxime Bernier - Lorne Gunter, Ottawa Sun
        No apologies: Christy Clark stays true to form in final week of campaign - Justin McElroy, CBC News
Ontario debating school bus cameras to catch drivers who illegally pass stopped buses - Jessica Smith Cross - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Trump administration shrugs off Canada�s softwood threat - Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Gov�ts, military �pulling together� to respond to flooding crisis: Goodale - Staff, CTV News
        Ontario doctors, government close to deal on binding arbitration, Hoskins says - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
Sajjan could have been exactly the defence minister Canada needed, and now he�s ruined that - Editorial, National Post
        Immigration issues remain a concern - Editorial, Toronto Sun
Expect Premier Hard Hat to triumph Tuesday with reduced majority - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
        Estimated cleanup costs for Alberta�s mines jumps to $23.2-billion- Kelly Cryderman, The Globe and Mail

Home Capital says former RBC exec will replace founder on board; stock rises- The Canadian Press, CBC News
        Dot-com road hogs like Uber and Amazon will just make traffic worse unless we charge them- Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post
Air Canada CEO says he is glad Bombardier challenged aircraft �duopoly�- CTV News
        Walmart U.S. online chief says he�s still catching up to digital giants like Amazon- Matthew Boyle, Brad Stone - Bloomberg, Toronto Star


L'arm�e am�ricaine confirme la mort du chef de l'�I en AfghanistanPlus
        Inondations: un �tat d'urgence local est d�cr�t� � LavalPlus
Marine Le Pen, h�riti�re combative, mais battuePlus
        Brigitte Macron, la future premi�re dame qui bouscule les codesPlus
France: les cinq grands d�fis du futur pr�sidentPlus
        Des m�dias se disent �interdits� de soir�e �lectorale chez Marine Le PenPlus
�lection sous haute surveillance en France: les batteries d'une �quipe de TVA alertent la s�curit�Plus
        L'acc�s � un bureau de vote d�tourn� en France en raison d'un... nid de m�sangesPlus
Inondations: un premier contingent de militaires � GatineauPlus
        Montr�al d�cr�te un �tat d'urgence pour 48 heuresPlus

La Cor�e du Nord a arr�t� un nouveau ressortissant am�ricainPlus
        L'esplanade du Louvre bri�vement �vacu�e en raison d'une alerte de s�curit�Plus
La force militaire sera doubl�ePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Clinton�s Loser Tour Shows Why Dems Will Keep Losing - Piers Morgan, The Daily Mail
        Republicans� health-care plan could launch some ugly political battles in state legislatures - Amber Phillips, Washington Post
Why Trump Embraces Lincoln and Jackson - Mike Sabo, American Greatness
        Health Bill May Be Job-Killer for Republican Incumbents - Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight
New York state law would make Trump�s tax returns public - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
        Democrats Will Avenge This Health-Care Abomination - Paul Waldman, The Week
Democrats� two biggest opponents ahead of 2018 may be time and themselves - Paul Kane, Washington Post
        Utahns Puzzled by Chaffetz Decision to Quit Congress - Corky Siemaszko, NBC News
50,000 face evacuation in Hannover over World War Two bombs- BBC News
        France vote: �Criminal offence� to publish hacked data- Al Jazeera
Lawyer-turned-liberal leader eyes South Korean presidency- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
        Syria�s Kurds march on to Raqqa and the sea- Mark Townsend, The Guardian
Hamas picks former Gaza chief Haniyeh as its leader- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Iran minister warns Saudi Arabia after "battle" comments:Tasnim
        Netanyahu tosses Hamas policy paper on Israel into waste bin
Macron - France's youngest leader since Napoleon
        Defeated Le Pen claims 'historic' gains, wishes Macron 'success'
Macron to AFP: Victory marks new chapter of 'hope' for France
        German FM hails Macron win keeping France 'at heart of Europe'
Macron wins French presidency by emphatic margin - projections
        Bill to declare Israel a Jewish state back on national agenda
North Korea detains another US citizen: official news agency
        Troops deployed as Canada braces for worse flooding

Afghan families flee as Taliban take key northern district
        German local vote is test for Merkel's challenger
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Larry Kazdan
To: Cc:
Subject: Re:  Liberals gave investors �extraordinary control� over infrastructure bank: opposition, Bill Curry, May 05, 2017

In 1937, the Canadian Minister of Finance spurned a proposal to put single unemployed back to work on the grounds that no money could be found.  But after 1939, the federal government used the Bank of Canada not only to clothe, feed and pay the salaries of over one million men and women in the armed forces, but also to purchase a steady stream of armaments, ammunition, tanks and planes.  
Today the federal government claims that investors must be paid 7 - 9% rates of return because the government has limited funds for infrastructure.  This false justification gives rise to suspicion that excessive costs paid by the public will end up in the hands of financial elites who happen to support the federal Liberal party. 
Larry Kazdan,
1. Tommy Douglas was a �macroeconomist�, not a �provincialist�!
"In 1937 when the CCF proposed in the House of Commons a $500 million program to put single unemployed to work, the Minister of Finance said where will we get the money? Mr. Benson asked the same question today. My reply at that time was that if we were to go to war, the Minister would find the money. And it turned out to be true.
In 1939, when we declared war against Nazi Germany, for the first time we used the Bank of Canada to make financially possible what was physically possible. We took a million men and women and put them in uniform. We fed and clothed and armed them. The rest of the people of Canada went to work. The government organized over 100 Crown corporations. We manufactured things that had never been manufactured before. We gave our farmers and fishermen guaranteed prices and they produced more food than we had ever produced in peace time. We built the third largest merchant navy in the world and we manned it."

2. Private financing of infrastructure bank could double the cost of infrastructure projects
"Private financing of the proposed Canada Infrastructure Bank could double the cost of infrastructure projects, says a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)."

3. Michael Hudson is Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author The Bubble and Beyond (2012).
"If you look at the Forbes 100 or 500 lists of each nation�s richest people, most made their fortunes through insider dealing to obtain land, mineral rights or monopolies."


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