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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Leo Housakos says �draconian steps� to move along Bill C-377 in the Senate within rules
With Mulcair�s fortunes on the rise, skeletons hauled back out of the closet
Front-runner Mulcair is now the target of scrutiny
Commons to deny expense claims until NDP MPs pay back disputed funds: Duncan
Liberal donation numbers way up in 2014
Conservative video spreads ISIS propaganda to make Justin Trudeau look weak
Was Mulcair ready to run for the Tories?
Alberta�s NDP inherits more than $1B-surplus from last budget under PCs
New GDP numbers spell gloom for a PM whose only hope of re-election is to deliver on economy
Liberals� idea for gender quota in Cabinet leaves out the principle of merit
In HarperPAC�s demise, a lesson about democracy
Trudeau�s green shift for votes
Mellower NDP sets its course, free of the drag of socialism
Harper�s Rule Breaking Rush to Crush Unions
Trudeau promises we�ll pay more
Rachel Notley forging new role for Alberta on national stage
Flying a flag for the right reasons
Despite promises, Tory government pulls punches on tamper-proof drugs
Federal public safety minister, RCMP clash over banned rifle
Mulcair�s secret meetings with the Tories
Gerry Byrne can�t campaign as MP, says Taxpayers Federation
Canada 150 infrastructure program ready to allocate funding
Hundreds of low-income families shortchanged EI payments
Mayor John Tory supports decriminalizing marijuana
Three private bills up for final vote on last day before Senate rises
Suspended senators will have no access to new mediation process: Carignan
Stampeding politicians see new opportunity in Calgary
Defence minister chows down on polls
Canada Economy Posts Surprise Contraction in April on Energy
CSIS website goes down again
Justin Trudeau: Carbon �price� plan part of environment platform
Kenney orders release of military health unit probe
Winnipeg newspaper column critical of First Nations leaders gets criticized
Uber�s Plouffe: Focusing on Whether Uber Creates Jobs Ignores Everything Else We Create
CPC ad will likely never see court challenge under C-51: experts
Trudeau says a Liberal government would put a price on carbon pollution
Conservative Exodus Bodes Ill for Harper in Canada Election
Thomas Mulcair�s NDP leads in national polls as climactic summer begins
Patrick Brazeau�s assault trial adjourned until mid-September
Government stays mostly mum on where Celebrate Canada funding getting spent
With Canada PM job now in reach, �Angry Tom� reins in temper
Public service unions file charter challenge over sick leave changes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< State enters Canadian politics - Michael Petrou, Macleans
Tom Mulcair denies Tory adviser talks ended over money - CBC News
Mulcair Calls On Harper To Defend Supply Management During TPP Negotiation - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, Huffington Post
Opposition to C-51 Moves Support to the NDP, New Poll Shows - Justin Ling, Vice
At least Alberta has a strong opposition - Editorial, Edmonton Sun
Gregor Robertson pushes for Vancouver to become a �living wage� employer - Bethany Lindsay, Vancouver Sun
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Shawinigan: une jeune fille de 12 ans port�e disparuePlus
Trois-Rivi�res: l'ado parlait de meurtres, de suicide et de violPlus
La Gr�ce a fait d�faut sur sa dette vis-�-vis du FMIPlus
Un cycliste happ� � mort par une voiture � Les Coteaux Plus
Denis Coderre recrute un ex-ambassadeur du CanadaPlus
Chris Christie se lance dans la course � la pr�sidencePlus
Mulcair nie avoir voulu se pr�senter pour les conservateursPlus
Le ch�que d'Accurso � Duchesneau toujours introuvablePlus
�crasement d'avion en Indon�sie: 116 mortsPlus
Deux personnes poignard�es � mort en AlbertaPlus
H�pital de Montmagny: l'urgence ferm�e jusqu'� la mi-juilletPlus
Le silence de Ruby achet� pour 10 millions?Plus
D�molition du bunker des Hells Angels � Trois-Rivi�resPlus
Un golfeur se tape la honte de sa viePlus
Soudan du Sud: des soldats ont viol� et br�l� des femmesPlus
Japon: un septuag�naire s'immole par le feu dans un train Plus
Sortie de route fatale � Saint-J�r�mePlus
La Cour d'appel rejette la demande d'un meurtrierPlus
Pas si facile le test pour devenir CanadienPlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In South Carolina, Bush Speaks on Guns, Religion, and the Flag - Amy Sherman, Miami Herald
Why Is Ben Carson Rising? - Byron York, Washington Examiner
Sanders Is the Perfect Foil for Clinton - S.V. Date, National Journal
Greek debt woes felt on global markets- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
For stocks�the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?- Ron Insana, CNBC
Israel to build fence on border with Jordan- France 24
Greece crisis: No vote would mean euro exit, leaders warn- BBC News
ISIS loyalists gain ground in Afghanistan- Reuters, The Times of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Russia and Ukraine fail to reach final agreement at gas supply talks
Ku Klux Klan plans pro-Confederate flag rally in South Carolina
Greece has offered to suspend referendum: report
At least 20,000 pro-bailout supporters rally in Athens
Iran's new 5-year plan focuses on defence, economy
Obama says 'I will walk away' from bad Iran deal
Liberia records Ebola death despite being declared virus-free
Cuba named first country to end mother-to-child HIV transmission
US church to divest over Israeli treatment of Palestinians
Iran nuclear talks deadline extended to July 7: US
China announces climate target for Paris deal
Diplomats: Iran meets key obligation on way to nuke deal
Merkel sees no new developments on Greece Tuesday: sources
Proposed deal would allow Iran to develop nukes: Netanyahu
Greece will not pay IMF debt on Tuesday: finance minister
Turkish opposition leader warns against intervention in Syria
Denmark tells Germany it will impose border controls
Israel says Syria's Assad may be left with rump state
Israeli PM lashes out at Palestinian leadership in West Bank
Israel deports Tunisia ex-president after Gaza flotilla
Greek foreign minister tells China Greece will not leave the euro zone
Small volcanic eruption closes parts of resort near Tokyo
Greece to re-open bank branches for pensioners
Putin urges all to fight ISIS, backs Assad
Don�t lose track of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis
The U.N. shifts on the Western Sahara conflict
Audacious U.S. deceit
Sputtering start to U.S. training of Syrian rebels
Israel stops flotilla seeking to break Gaza blockade
Why do more women than men have Alzheimer�s?
A deal could sharpen political tensions in Iran
Previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Cold War <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Final hurdles being cleared for Canadian military intervention in Ukrainee,
Poroshenko signs law to allow foreign troops in Ukraine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Enjoy your Dominion Day Holiday
Enjoy your Dominion Day Holiday