Tuesday, 30 June 2015



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<  http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Leo Housakos says �draconian steps� to move along Bill C-377 in the Senate within rules

With Mulcair�s fortunes on the rise, skeletons hauled back out of the closet
        Front-runner Mulcair is now the target of scrutiny
Commons to deny expense claims until NDP MPs pay back disputed funds: Duncan
        Liberal donation numbers way up in 2014

Conservative video spreads ISIS propaganda to make Justin Trudeau look weak
        Was Mulcair ready to run for the Tories?
Alberta�s NDP inherits more than $1B-surplus from last budget under PCs
        New GDP numbers spell gloom for a PM whose only hope of re-election is to deliver on economy
Liberals� idea for gender quota in Cabinet leaves out the principle of merit
        In HarperPAC�s demise, a lesson about democracy
Trudeau�s green shift for votes
        Mellower NDP sets its course, free of the drag of socialism
Harper�s Rule Breaking Rush to Crush Unions
        Trudeau promises we�ll pay more

Rachel Notley forging new role for Alberta on national stage
        Flying a flag for the right reasons
Despite promises, Tory government pulls punches on tamper-proof drugs

Federal public safety minister, RCMP clash over banned rifle
        Mulcair�s secret meetings with the Tories
Gerry Byrne can�t campaign as MP, says Taxpayers Federation
        Canada 150 infrastructure program ready to allocate funding
Hundreds of low-income families shortchanged EI payments
        Mayor John Tory supports decriminalizing marijuana
Three private bills up for final vote on last day before Senate rises
        Suspended senators will have no access to new mediation process: Carignan
Stampeding politicians see new opportunity in Calgary
        Defence minister chows down on polls

Canada Economy Posts Surprise Contraction in April on Energy
        CSIS website goes down again
Justin Trudeau: Carbon �price� plan part of environment platform
        Kenney orders release of military health unit probe
Winnipeg newspaper column critical of First Nations leaders gets criticized
        Uber�s Plouffe: Focusing on Whether Uber Creates Jobs Ignores Everything Else We Create
CPC ad will likely never see court challenge under C-51: experts
        Trudeau says a Liberal government would put a price on carbon pollution
Conservative Exodus Bodes Ill for Harper in Canada Election
        Thomas Mulcair�s NDP leads in national polls as climactic summer begins

Patrick Brazeau�s assault trial adjourned until mid-September
        Government stays mostly mum on where Celebrate Canada funding getting spent
With Canada PM job now in reach, �Angry Tom� reins in temper
Public service unions file charter challenge over sick leave changes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Islamic State enters Canadian politics - Michael Petrou, Macleans
        Not since Louis St. Laurent has a PM lost this many MPs and led his party into an election. And St. Laurent won - Josh Wingrove and Erik Hertzberg, Bloomberg News, National Post
Tom Mulcair denies Tory adviser talks ended over money - CBC News
        How Patrick Brown�s new Ontario PC ads take a page from Kathleen Wynne - Adrian Morrow, The Globe & Mail
Mulcair Calls On Harper To Defend Supply Management During TPP Negotiation - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, Huffington Post
        Canada 150 infrastructure program ready to allocate funding - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
Opposition to C-51 Moves Support to the NDP, New Poll Shows - Justin Ling, Vice
        Alberta vaults from one of lowest minimum-wage payers to one of highest - Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
At least Alberta has a strong opposition - Editorial, Edmonton Sun
        Smarter approach to defence spending could save $10 billion: report - Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press, CTV News

Gregor Robertson pushes for Vancouver to become a �living wage� employer - Bethany Lindsay, Vancouver Sun
        Canada-EU free-trade deal not at risk of falling apart: Ottawa- The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<< http://www.vancouverobserver.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rabble<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rabble.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<  http://www.canadianprogressiveworld.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bourque.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://thetyee.ca/News/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iPolitics<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.ipolitics.ca/tag/gaza/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.cbc.ca/news
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada/


Shawinigan: une jeune fille de 12 ans port�e disparuePlus
        Trois-Rivi�res: l'ado parlait de meurtres, de suicide et de violPlus
La Gr�ce a fait d�faut sur sa dette vis-�-vis du FMIPlus
        Un cycliste happ� � mort par une voiture � Les Coteaux Plus
Denis Coderre recrute un ex-ambassadeur du CanadaPlus
        Chris Christie se lance dans la course � la pr�sidencePlus
Mulcair nie avoir voulu se pr�senter pour les conservateursPlus
        Le ch�que d'Accurso � Duchesneau toujours introuvablePlus
�crasement d'avion en Indon�sie: 116 mortsPlus
        Deux personnes poignard�es � mort en AlbertaPlus

H�pital de Montmagny: l'urgence ferm�e jusqu'� la mi-juilletPlus
        Le silence de Ruby achet� pour 10 millions?Plus
D�molition du bunker des Hells Angels � Trois-Rivi�resPlus
        Un golfeur se tape la honte de sa viePlus
Soudan du Sud: des soldats ont viol� et br�l� des femmesPlus
        Japon: un septuag�naire s'immole par le feu dans un train Plus
Sortie de route fatale � Saint-J�r�mePlus
        La Cour d'appel rejette la demande d'un meurtrierPlus
Pas si facile le test pour devenir CanadienPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
In South Carolina, Bush Speaks on Guns, Religion, and the Flag - Amy Sherman, Miami Herald
        The Pollution of Politics - Juan Williams, The Hill
Why Is Ben Carson Rising? - Byron York, Washington Examiner
        The Republican Party�s Future Shock - Thrush & Cheney, Politico
Sanders Is the Perfect Foil for Clinton - S.V. Date, National Journal
        Mobilicity gets approval to disburse funds from Rogers deal to creditors- Christine Dobby, The Globe & Mail
Greek debt woes felt on global markets- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Forget about Greece � China could be a much bigger problem- Gordon Isfeld, Financial Post
For stocks�the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?- Ron Insana, CNBC
        Israel to build fence on border with Jordan- France 24

Greece crisis: No vote would mean euro exit, leaders warn- BBC News
        Iranians guardedly optimistic as deadline of Vienna nuclear talks nears- Ian Black, The Guardian
ISIS loyalists gain ground in Afghanistan- Reuters, The Times of India
        Egypt�s state prosecutor killed in Cairo bomb attack- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Russia and Ukraine fail to reach final agreement at gas supply talks
        Ku Klux Klan plans pro-Confederate flag rally in South Carolina
Greece has offered to suspend referendum: report
        At least 20,000 pro-bailout supporters rally in Athens
Iran's new 5-year plan focuses on defence, economy
        Obama says 'I will walk away' from bad Iran deal
Liberia records Ebola death despite being declared virus-free
        Cuba named first country to end mother-to-child HIV transmission
US church to divest over Israeli treatment of Palestinians
        Iran nuclear talks deadline extended to July 7: US

China announces climate target for Paris deal
        Diplomats: Iran meets key obligation on way to nuke deal
Merkel sees no new developments on Greece Tuesday: sources
        Proposed deal would allow Iran to develop nukes: Netanyahu
Greece will not pay IMF debt on Tuesday: finance minister
        Turkish opposition leader warns against intervention in Syria
Denmark tells Germany it will impose border controls
        Israel says Syria's Assad may be left with rump state
Israeli PM lashes out at Palestinian leadership in West Bank
        Israel deports Tunisia ex-president after Gaza flotilla

Greek foreign minister tells China Greece will not leave the euro zone
        Small volcanic eruption closes parts of resort near Tokyo
Greece to re-open bank branches for pensioners
        Putin urges all to fight ISIS, backs Assad
Don�t lose track of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis
        The U.N. shifts on the Western Sahara conflict
Audacious U.S. deceit
        Sputtering start to U.S. training of Syrian rebels
Israel stops flotilla seeking to break Gaza blockade
        Why do more women than men have Alzheimer�s?
A deal could sharpen political tensions in Iran
Previous                                                   Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Cold War  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://newcoldwar.org/
Final hurdles being cleared for Canadian military intervention in Ukrainee,
        Canadian defense minister dismisses concerns over training extreme-right paramilitaries

Poroshenko signs law to allow foreign troops in Ukraine
        Azov Battalion accused of neo-Nazi links wants Canada�s help

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.globalresearch.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://therealnews.com/t2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.presstv.ir/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://sputniknews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rt.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bbc.com/news/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://readersupportednews.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.activistpost.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://consortiumnews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.commondreams.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.eutimes.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.kyivpost.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.4thmedia.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.brasschecktv.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/


Enjoy your Dominion Day Holiday


Monday, 29 June 2015



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<  http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Trudeau says a Liberal government would put a price on carbon pollution

This can be said succinctly: Clips of people being killed shouldn�t be used as campaign fodder
        Ontario NDP deputy leader used constituency resources to promote Mulcair rally: Integrity Commissioner
Bob Rae endorses Eve Adams� opponent for Liberal nomination
        Tom Mulcair calls on PM to defend supply management �in its entirety�

Trudeau decries use of terrorist propaganda for �political advantages�
        Reality Check: How truthful is the Conservative�s �Justin Trudeau on ISIS� ad?
CBC Seeks Takedown of Conservative Ad, Claims �No One� Can Re-Use Its News Clips Without Permission
        Reforming the electoral system: the process is as important as the choice
Stephen Harper has altered the face of Canada
        Despite HarperPAC�s demise, private political ads here to stay
Harper, his jailbirds and the march toward demockery.
        Mulcair, Notley and the Goldilocks point
The political landscape is a-changing
        Free election speech under attack

Cities key to middle-class jobs
        Vaughan vs Chow? Headlina in Spadina
Let�s bring back the long-form census

Congress hands Harper a political hornets� nest with TPP
        Senate Liberals to elect new leader and new caucus executive in next session of Parliament
Marching in pride parade doesn�t make me less of a conservative, says MPP MacLaren
        Porter Airlines fined $150,000 under anti-spam legislation, CRTC says
Expanding tax-free-savings limit offers little for lower, middle earners: study
        Military sparks ombudsman rebuke for delaying report on care for ill and injured troops
Alberta to raise minimum wage by $1 to $11.20 on Oct. 1
        The aboriginal vote: Can indigenous Canadians swing the election?
Ed Clark named Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne�s business adviser
        Seniors going bankrupt in soaring numbers

Full interview: Conservative spokesman defends use of ISIS video in attack ad
        Key emails in Prime Minister�s Office at risk of deletion, report finds
Third-party political ads don�t go with fair elections: former elections chief
        Unpacking the Politics: the importance of imagery in politics
From antennas to swipe screens, cellphones mark 30 years in Canada
        Ramadan dinner at PM�s house sign of increased influence of Muslim vote
Army begins rotation of troops in Poland; 90 soldiers leave Valcartier, Que.
        Trade Minister Ed Fast calls TPP compensation reports �speculation�
Trudeau pens memoir, calls on seniors to take action
        Gap between Canada�s middle class, wealthy �starting to run away': report

Workers at GM plant growing anxious with Camaro production set to end
        Report on Senator Don Meredith allegations expected this week, Leo Housakos says
Independent MP Andrews slams Trudeau for �unprofessional� sexual harassment investigation
        Conservative MPs quietly repay money to House administration
Former Poilievre aide nominated as Conservative candidate in Nepean
        Federal infrastructure fund spending favoured Conservative ridings
Marjory Lebreton�s 2004 advice to Stephen Harper: Ignore the �serial bitchers�
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Justin Trudeau, man of substance - Paul Wells, Macleans
        Despite promises, Tory government pulls punches on tamper-proof drugs - John Ivison, National Post
How do we justify the horrible things we�ve done? - Gerald Caplan, The Globe & Mail
        Trudeau decries use of terrorist propaganda for �political advantages� - CTV Staff, CTV News
Tory MPP Lisa MacLeod rejects anti-Pride comments from Ottawa radio host - Richard J. Brennan, Toronto Star
        Meech Lake was sunk. Its ideas live on - Konrad Yakabuski, The Globe & Mail
Independent MP Andrews slams Trudeau for �unprofessional� sexual harassment investigation - Abbas Rana, The Hill Times
        Wealthy Canadians will gain more than previously estimated from TFSA expansion: economist - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
Federal infrastructure fund spending favoured Conservative ridings - Chris Hannay, The Globe & Mail
        Not too hard and not too soft: Why Mulcair suddenly has a real shot at becoming Canada�s next PM - Michael Den Tandt, National Post

Conservative MPs quietly repay money to House administration - Laura Ryckewaert, The Hill Times
        Q and A: Independent MP Brent Rathgeber on two years outside the party - Christina Spencer, Ottawa Citizen
Happy birthday, Canada - Conrad Black, National Post
        Toronto Pride Parade Sees Politicians, Celebrities Unite Despite Downpours - The Canadian Press, Huffington Post
Key emails in Prime Minister�s Office at risk of deletion, report finds - Dean Beeby, CBC News
        Christy Clark slumping in the political heat - Michael Smyth, Vancouver Province
Young men�s paths to jihadist views vary, federally funded study finds - Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Keep supporting small business - Editorial, Toronto Sun
Mulcair�s green nightmare - Lorrie Goldstein, Ottawa Sun
        New Ontario rules meant to crack down on unscrupulous debt collection practices- Craig Wong, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
The billion-dollar judge: Class action lawsuits about more than frivolous claims- Drew Hasselback, Financial Post
        How automation is shaking up the advertising industry- Susan Krashinsky, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<< http://www.vancouverobserver.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rabble<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rabble.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<  http://www.canadianprogressiveworld.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bourque.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://thetyee.ca/News/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iPolitics<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.ipolitics.ca/tag/gaza/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.cbc.ca/news
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada/


Vol d'argent comptant: des portraits-robots diffus�sPlus
        Trudeau d�voile ses promesses environnementalesPlus
Les Grecs contraints de vivre avec de l'argent de pochePlus
        Chicoutimi: il est accus� d'agression sur un pr�trePlus
La Cour supr�me autorise une m�thode d'ex�cution controvers�ePlus
        Montmagny: la r�ouverture de l'urgence encore repouss�ePlus
Les circonscriptions conservatrices choy�es par OttawaPlus
        Quatre nouvelles victimes pour Victor PoirierPlus
Qu�bec d�voile sa strat�gie maritimePlus
        �S'il �tait venu ici, je l'aurais ramen� en prison�, dit sa m�rePlus

Le �califat� de l'EI instaur� depuis un anPlus
        Verdict dans le proc�s de Mohamed Fahmy le 30 juillet Plus
Une amende pour avoir mang� une banane au volantPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
The Chief Justice�s Heartless Gay Marriage Dissent - Richard Posner, Slate
        As Left Wins Culture Battles, Republicans Eye 2016 Pivot - Jonathan Martin, New York Times
Democrats Swoon for Sanders - David Shribman, Real Clear Politics
        Chris Christie: Born to Run - Paul Mulshine, New Jersey Star-Ledger
GOP scoffs at Trump surge - Jonathan Easley, The Hill
        How Cott�s bet on water helped its stock pop- Jen Skerritt, Bloomberg, Toronto Star
Nasa SpaceX mission to International Space Station ends in explosion- Martin Pengelly and Ed Pilkington, The Guardian
        Greek banks, stock exchange to stay shut Monday as crisis deepens- France 24
African Union will not observe elections in Burundi- Al Jazeera
        Pakistan heatwave claims 26 more, toll nears 1,300- The Times of India
Iran nuclear talks �to go beyond 30 June deadline� � US- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

WikiLeaks says NSA spied on French business
        Islamic State seen as potent force a year after caliphate declaration: Pentagon
France: Israeli-Palestinian conflict can explode at any time
        Israel bars foreign activist flotilla from reaching Gaza
US says system reached to give UN access to suspect Iran sites
        Pace of climate talks far too slow: UN chief
US says absurd to suggest that it will cave in Iran talks
        U.S. raid on Afghan weapons cache incites protests
Israel, Palestinians say to investigate Gaza warcrime accusations
        'Betrayed' Juncker urges Greece to vote 'Yes' to stay in euro

EU, Russia and Ukraine aim for gas deal Tuesday
        UK says Argentine plan to seize Falklands oil driller assets 'unlawful'
China says thousands arrested suspected of environmental crimes
        Israel approves extending fortified fence on its Jordan border
Putin reaffirms support for Syrian leadership
        Over 500 arrested in Europol organized crime swoops
Australia tightens rules on foreign ownership of farmland
        Greece reels in shock as banks shut
China angered by Philippine documentary on South China Sea
        Israel navy seizes ship seeking to break Gaza blockade: army

Iran nuclear talks to miss target, Zarif heads home
        Revolution versus the Kurds?
Confederate flags topple in U.S. south, but has anything changed?
        Obama sheds cool style for �fearless� final lap in office
Israeli official visits Cairo for Palestinian peace talks
Previous                                                   Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Cold War  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://newcoldwar.org/
* NATO buildup on Russia border will only heighten tensions
* Western financial sanctions won't break Russia
* Ukraine may suspend debt payments if creditors don't take haircut
* U.S. nukes could soon return to Europe

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.globalresearch.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://therealnews.com/t2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.presstv.ir/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://sputniknews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rt.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bbc.com/news/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://readersupportednews.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.activistpost.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://consortiumnews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.commondreams.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.eutimes.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.kyivpost.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.4thmedia.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.brasschecktv.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/


Sunday, 28 June 2015



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<  http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Key emails in Prime Minister�s Office at risk of deletion, report finds

Mulcair has �no lessons� to give on integrity, Senate speaker says
        Trade Minister Ed Fast calls TPP compensation reports �speculation�
Third-party political ads have don�t go with fair elections: former elections chief
        Unpacking the Politics: the importance of imagery in politics

Trudeau pens memoir, calls on seniors to take action
        Gap between Canada�s middle class, wealthy �starting to run away': report
Workers at GM plant growing anxious with Camaro production set to end
        Tories wave cheques hoping to win votes
Campaign on what directly impacts us
        Mulcair�s green nightmare
Why is journalism so rarely funny?
        It gets better � my story on gay marriage
David Cameron is abusing Magna Carta in abolishing our rights
        Jean Beliveau�s star on Canada�s Walk of Fame in Toronto cracked

Attacks in France, Tunisia, Kuwait part of global jihadist threat, says Jason Kenney
        HarperPAC Is Dead. What Was that About?
HarperPAC, Engage Canada highlight confusion over 3rd-party ads
        Other third parties should follow HarperPAC�s lead, close up shop, says Kingsley
Olivia Chow not ruling out federal election run
        WestJet plane lands in Saskatoon after threat; 147 passengers and 6 crew aboard
Latest Conservative ad could violate government�s own anti-terror law
        Nine senior federal bureaucrats take on new jobs in government
Canada the �poseur': Bob Rae says we get the politics we deserve
        Proposed Mother Canada monument in Cape Breton provokes war of words over statue

Police watchdog investigating CPS and former chief Rick Hanson
        Mother of jailed teacher in Indonesia chides Stephen Harper
Maternal health funding �the right thing to do� � but what comes next?
        How Liberals court the Jewish vote and who�s going to Pride
Conservatives overrule Speaker, force final vote on controversial labour bill
        Harper�s ex-parliamentary assistant Del Mastro on $5K bail after night in jail
3 battleground districts to watch in the early run-up to a N.L. fall election
        Recent N.L. NDP Surge a Rare Occurance: Pollster
Aaron Driver, Winnipeg ISIS supporter, back in police custody
        Federal minister�s partisan St. John�s event paid for by taxpayers

Liberal party defends Trudeau statements on Iran
        Can Justin Trudeau fix the vote with electoral reform?
Howard Hampton to represent NDP in Kenora riding
        Dhaliwal Says Conservative Government Caught In A Lie About RCMP �Boots On The Ground�
French terror suspect took selfie with beheading victim, sent it to Canadian number: officials
        Candidate Drilldown: Vancouver Island Part II
Final legal-diplomatic hurdles being cleared for Ukraine mission: Kenney
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
After a month on the job, Notley finds biggest challenge is managing expectations - Darcy Henton, Calgary Herald
        Are we witnessing the strange death of Liberal Canada? - Jeffrey Simpson, The Globe & Mail
HarperPAC, Engage Canada highlight confusion over 3rd-party ads - Chris Hall, CBC News
        Without his cabinet stars, Harper is left to sell himself. And that�s not something he�s very good at - Rex Murphy, National Post
Retiring MP Irwin Cotler says his human rights fights will outlive political battles - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Final legal and diplomatic hurdles being cleared for Ukraine mission, Jason Kenney says - The Canadian Press, Ottawa Citizen
Special ed funding cuts hurting kids across Ontario - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        Potash Corp. aims to bulk up in face of growing competition- Rachelle Younglai, The Globe & Mail
Shell Canada, Capital Power welcome Alberta�s stronger carbon emissions rules- Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Fixed-date election comes back to bite Stephen Harper - Chantal H�bert, Toronto Star

Del Mastro verdict raises questions about both the ethics and savvy of Harper�s palace guard - Stephen Maher, National Post
        Dean Del Mastro, jailed for �cheating and lying� in 2008 vote, out on bail - The Canadian Press, CBC News
HarperPAC: A cautionary tale about unwanted help - Adam Radwanski, The Globe & Mail
        Shadowy Lobby Groups Want to Influence the Election, Canada�s Political Parties Don�t Care - Justin Ling, Vice
Small number of �bad apples� shouldn�t harm Ukraine�s image, Kenney says - Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Conservative leader Patrick Brown to march in Toronto Pride parade - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
Jagmeet Singh Unintentionally Broke Rules: Ontario Integrity Commissioner - The Canadian Post, Huffington Post
        Senate Speaker Leo Housakos overruled by Conservatives to force vote on anti-union bill - CBC News
Convicted MP Del Mastro in leg irons for jail transport standard procedure: OPP - Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<< http://www.vancouverobserver.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rabble<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rabble.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<  http://www.canadianprogressiveworld.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bourque.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://thetyee.ca/News/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iPolitics<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.ipolitics.ca/tag/gaza/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.cbc.ca/news
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada/


�tats-Unis: David Sweat toujours activement recherch�Plus
        Turquie: r�pression d'un d�fil� de la fiert� gaiePlus
Quatre p�cheurs rescap�s apr�s un naufragePlus
        Le ministre Heurtel en mission en FrancePlus
Un drone f�ministe pour promouvoir le droit � l'avortementPlus
        La Tunisie tente de s�curiser ses sites touristiquesPlus
Attentat en France: le suspect reconna�t l'assassinatPlus
        Gr�ce: un Grexit �presque in�vitable�Plus
Attentat en France: un correspondant au Canada?Plus
        �crasement d'avion: il avait construit lui-m�me son appareilPlus

Un fugitif am�ricain toujours recherch� par 1200 policiersPlus
        Taiwan: plus de 500 bless�s dans une explosionPlus
D�capitation en France: selfie avec la t�te de sa victimePlus
        Huit familles � la rue apr�s un incendiePlus
La Gr�ce au bord du sc�nario catastrophePlus
        Le c�ur des Japonaises bat pour... un gorille!Plus
Des milliers de touristes �vacu�s de Tunisie


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Equality and the Confederate Flag - Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker
        The Court Just Did Republicans a Favor - Chris Cillizza, Washington Post
Obamacare Decision Is Victory for All of Us - Laurence Tribe, Boston Globe
        Republicans� Gay Marriage Freakout - Sally Kohn, The Daily Beast
Hillary Clinton�s Missing Emails Likely to Raise New Questions - The Associated Press, CBS News
        Same-Sex Marriage Is a Right, Supreme Court Rules, 5-4 - Adam Liptak, New York Times
Why Hillary Clinton Scares the Right - Brent Budowksy, The Hill
        Roberts Helps Overthrow the Constitution - George Will, Washington Post
Republican Flat Tax Fantasies Return - Scot Lehigh, Boston Globe
        Trump Bump Worries Republicans - Jonathan Topaz & Daniel Strauss, Politico
Online gambling is proving to be a good bet for savvy investors- Jonathan Ratner, Financial Post
        In China, Rats Are Leaving Sinking Ship- Andrew Critchlow, The Telegraph

Iran nuclear talks resume days before deal deadline- Al Jazeera
        Gulf states share shock of terror attack on mosque in Kuwait- Martin Chulov, The Guardian
Greece debt crisis: MPs back referendum on bailout- BBC News
        Nearly 200 injured amid fire explosion in Taiwan: Media- The Times of India
North Korea�s historic drought expected to cause famine, U.N. says- Kathy Novak, CNN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Germany says surprise Greek referendum plan shuts door on negotiations
        Palestinian hunger striker 'close to death': lawyer
Key conditions for Iran deal not yet accepted by all: France
        As death toll rises, Britain in shock over Tunisia attack
EU's Mogherini to go to Vienna on Sunday for Iran talks -statement
        Greek minister calls on parties to back referendum
Iran makes red lines clear as nuclear talks get under way
        Turkey will 'never allow' Kurdish state in Syria warns Erdogan
Iran gas exports to Iraq delayed again by security concerns
        Iran says nuclear deal within reach if other side is reasonable

First lions to return to Rwanda after over two decades
        South Korea fears MERS may have spread to new hospital
Romania falls short of bailout reform promises: EU
        China says many in Japan not ready to accept its rise
China says changing position on sea dispute would shame ancestors
        Greek party leader: people should be calm, banks won't shut
Sri Lankan leader dissolves Parliament, calls August polls
        Kerry seeks to seal historic Iran nuclear accord
Greek PM calls referendum to break bailout deadlock
        US Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide

EU leaders to relocate 40,000 migrants
        Workers uncover Roman burial site, antiquities in Sidon
Vatican signs first treaty with Palestine, Israel angered
        Big hurdles to Iran deal as deadline looms
No longer secret, Swiss banks look to expand after purge
        South Africa: BRICS bank to be operational by year-end
The Palestinians shift in the right way
        The New Silk Road allows Russia and China to bypass the West
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.globalresearch.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://therealnews.com/t2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.presstv.ir/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://sputniknews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rt.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bbc.com/news/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://readersupportednews.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.activistpost.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://consortiumnews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.commondreams.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.eutimes.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.kyivpost.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.4thmedia.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.brasschecktv.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
