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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Canada�s refugee policy can�t stop tragic refugee deaths, Harper says
A CBC Journalist Destroyed Canada�s Immigration Minister Over Syrian Refugees
�You don�t put people in jail� for marijuana use: Laureen Harper
Chris Alexander defends Canada�s refugee response, blames media
Her suspension expired, Sen. Pamela Wallin returns to work
Father of Alan Kurdi, drowned Syrian boy, describes desperate ordeal to save sons
Chris Alexander pauses his election campaign in wake of refugee crisis
Up to 27 Iraqi civilians may have been killed in Canadian airstrike, Pentagon document reveals
Oliver Takes Surprise Break From Campaign for G-20 Summit
Penashue to run in Labrador riding in federal election
This campaign is being taken over by events out of Harper�s control
Limp-along economy could hobble Harper campaign
It isn�t just the election results that are impossible to predict � it�s what happens after
The ghosts that haunt Campaign 2015
Justin Trudeau�s Liberals attempt risky rebranding
NDP all talk, little walk on its promises so far
Trudeau and Mulcair drop gloves in fight for undecided voters who ruled out the Conservatives
Tories� campaign strategy: Staying mum to avoid gaffes
A tale of two economies, and what it means for the federal election
Trudeau aims at austerity-loving Thatcher fan Mulcair
Trudeau makes perpetual stimulus even worse
Can Trudeau think on his feet?
How to cure our economic funk? Boost investment
�You don�t put people in jail� for marijuana use: Laureen Harper
Drowned Syrian Boy Jolts Conservatives During Canada Election
Omar Khadr wants bail eased so he can fly to Toronto to visit family
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander to discuss Syrian family case
Boy on the beach reminds us that the migrant crisis is also Canada�s crisis
The NDP are now favoured to win the most seats as Conservatives drop
Finance Minister�s Local Battle Shows Harper�s Hurdle in Canada
Mulcair to pledge action to expand CPP/QPP, within six months of taking office
What Canadians want to know about Stephen Harper
Trudeau reaches out to premiers
Secret orders-in-council need more oversight: May
Federal election 2015: How data mining is changing political campaigns
Baloney Meter: Have the Conservatives really run eight straight deficits?
Bloc Qu�b�cois leader Gilles Duceppe trailing in Montreal riding: poll
Health care gets short shrift on campaign trail
Trudeau questioned on optics as 14 male candidates appear at Quebec City event
Harper hits suburban Vancouver to talk transit in hotly contested region
Mulcair heads home to accept candidacy, Trudeau also in Quebec, Harper in BC
Manitoba cabinet minister who challenged premier seeks federal office
PC Leader Patrick Brown hopes to win seat in Ontario byelection today
Halifax man says new community mailbox mix-up has left him without mail
Air Canada sticks by Enbridge after Tim Hortons bails
Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau emotional on campaign trail
Conservatives postpone immigration announcement amid criticism of response to European crisis
Nova Scotia wants to accept more refugees but hasn�t heard from Ottawa:minister
Chris Alexander defends Canada�s refugee response, blames media
Minister at heart of Syrian boy controversy was rising star in Harper�s cabinet
Grieving B.C. relatives of drowned boy slam Canada�s refugee process
More News>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Is the Notley honeymoon over? - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
Budget crisis pits Edmonton bureaucrats against Calgary private sector - Don Braid, National Post
We live in a liberal democracy. Sex is normal: Debunking 8 objections to sex-ed in Ontario - Robyn Urback, National Post
Ontario says it can�t get data on effectiveness of carding for current review - Wendy Gillis, Toronto Star
Tentative deal gives Ontario Catholic secondary teachers raises similar to public boards - Louise Brown, Toronto Star
Crude-by-rail shows signs of life after losing steam in first half- Yadullah Hussain, Financial Post
Consumers drive recovery, but for how long?- Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star
Qu�bec pr�t � accueillir �des milliers de r�fugi�s� syriensPlus
R�fugi�s: les efforts du Canada sont suffisants selon HarperPlus
La menace de gr�ve plane sur le milieu de l'�ducationPlus
10 millions $ vol�e en plein jour au port de Montr�alPlus
Saint-Laurent: des employ�s seront rappel�s � l'ordrePlus
Montr�al: accouchement sur l'autoroute m�tropolitainePlus
La CAQ est du �c�t� f�d�raliste de la Force�, croit Lis�ePlus
Qu�bec cherche � diviser le mouvement syndical, accuse la CSQPlus
Migrants: l'Europe face � une crise �sans pr�c�dent�Plus
Une greffi�re oppos�e au mariage gai condamn�e � la prisonPlus
Complot contre Via Rail: la Couronne demande la prison � viePlus
Un p�dophile poursuivi pour 455 000 $Plus
Le d�bris appartient �avec certitude� au vol MH370 Plus
Le d�put� p�quiste Marjolain Dufour quitte la politiquePlus
Pas de p�age sur le pont Champlain, promet TrudeauPlus
Le CHUM et le CHU Sainte-Justine regroup�s Plus
�crasement mortel: l'identit� des victimes d�voil�ePlus
Poursuite polici�re entre Blainville et BoisbriandPlus
Des agriculteurs roulent en tracteur dans ParisPlus
L'EI pire que les nazis, selon le premier ministre australienPlus
Il envoie par erreur des photos de lui nu � son nouvel employeurPlus
Saint-Lambert: pas de nouveaux lieux de cultePlus
Gr�ve �tudiante: chute des admissions � l'UQAMPlus
Bo�tes postales: un citoyen intente un recours collectifPlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Using Private Server, Clinton Wrote and Sent Classified Emails - Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Post
Hillary Clinton Fatigue Has Set In - Charles Hurt, Washington Times
Clinton Is Starting to Sound Like Nixon - James Robbins, USA Today
Police wall blocks refugees in Budapest for second day- Al Jazeera
Ukraine ceasefire undermined, EU extends sanctions- The Times of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Israel 'frees alleged Hamas official' seized in W.Bank
Israel bans journalists from voicing opinions in newscasts
Palestinians attack US tourists mistaken as settlers
Netanyahu says U.S. public opinion with Israel on Iran nuclear issue
Greeks told euro exit simple as 'drinking a glass of water'
UN set to back raising Palestinian flag
Split over migrant crisis could damage 'idea of Europe', German minister says
Iran's top leader: No nuclear deal unless sanctions lifted
Half of Germans worried by refugee crisis: survey
Pope receives Israel's Rivlin amid tensions
NATO hails 'fresh opportunity' for Ukraine peace
Iran says Assad has 'pivotal' role in any Syria solution
Khamenei backs parliamentary vote on nuclear deal with powers: state TV
Syria mired in conflict driven by foreign powers: UN
Wales ahead of England in world rankings
Afghan forces 'yet to regain control' of symbolic southern district
Obama to press Saudi King on conflicts in Syria, Yemen
China flexes military muscle as Xi lauds its power
Republicans seek pledge to avert Trump third-party run: sources
Tamil to lead Sri Lanka opposition after 32 years
U.S. bank earnings rose 7.3 pct in second quarter
Gross: Fed tightening now can spur instability
Beyond migrants, we should give hope to those in refugee camps
Defending past and future affirms human survival
Europe�s disgrace
Stocks recover as China concerns ease
IMF director warns of spillover from recent volatility
Russia holds up U.N. Syria chemicals probe
CIA, U.S. special forces launch drone campaign in Syria: media
Netanyahu threatens to shoot Palestinian stone-throwers
As row with Trump escalates, Bush hits back even harder
Syriza�s lead shrivels ahead of Greek elections
Vietnam marks 70 years since independence
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